Portrait of a Mind Unseen

The symphony of my self

Supritha Kamalanathan
Hope * Healing * Humour
2 min readMay 26, 2024


A woman looking up to the sky with a rainbow shining in her back
Photo by Drew Colins on Unsplash

In the stillness of my mind,
my thoughts and I converse…
in whispers.

My mind and me,
forever intertwined —
in an intimate dance of smiles
and reflection.

A solo traveler in this land of thoughts,
that’s who I am.
In the twilight, amidst the twin echoes of my mind and me
I lie beneath the stars of my heart —
their ethereal beauty
giving a glimpse into my life.

My imperfectly perfect life.

How much do I share
when someone asks me “How are you”?
How much do I actually not care
when I say I don’t care?
How much do I get hurt
when yet again, a trusted heart proves to be but a phantom of illusion?

Truths untold.
Love untold.
Confessions untold.
Yet known to the twin that never leaves my side.

What’s more to this mind?
A delicate bloom
unfolding its beauty in the shelter of its own silence.

What’s more to this silent mind?
A whispered melody
staying within,
yet loving to meld
with the whispers of those minds held close
within the deepest tendril of the heart
that lies under.

Within the boundless skies of my mind
I wander and wonder —
will I ever be able to fit in?
do I have to fit in?
do I even want to fit my life in someone else’s?

And as such, in the stillness of my mind
my thoughts and I converse…
in comforting whispers.

This beautiful piece by HyaenaDad made me rethink how much I actually love the mundane whispers that my mind — my home — and I share!

— © Supritha Kamalanathan 2024



Supritha Kamalanathan
Hope * Healing * Humour

A teen💕... building a small empire with my words :) Exploring the depths of everything life has to offer | curious ponderings | vivid humour