The Fig Tree That Is My Life

I’m so lucky to have so many options

Hope * Healing * Humour


Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

There’s this wonderful analogy from Sylvia Plath called the fig tree analogy. Essentially, we all have many different paths that we can follow in life and each of those is a fig. The fig tree is the branches of future goals that occurs in the cause of indecision.

The fig tree is a symbol of opportunity and loss as you cannot possibly achieve all of the future paths.

So many people look at the fig tree as evidence that you can’t do everything and will therefore always feel unfulfilled in life. BUT there is not just one approach to this. When I look at the fig tree that is my life I see so many different careers leading to different lives. Each of these careers is different and exciting but all of these careers share one thing.

Each of these paths lead me to happiness.

I could choose to be an entrepreneur and create a business of my dreams, maybe one day reach the financial freedom that I dream of and travel as much as my heart desires.

I could be a writer and tell all of the stories that brew in my head whilst I try to sleep — I don’t count sheep to fall asleep, I create elaborate stories with different universes and complex characters.

