The Hidden Psychology of Your Daily Life

Diving deep into the mind’s oddities, from clothing awareness to the allure of luxury rudeness.

Rick Allen
Hope * Healing * Humour
3 min readMar 22, 2024


A woman whispering to a man while covering the conversation with her hand,
Photo Copyright: mklrnt

You Suddenly Feel Your Clothes

Think about the sensation of your clothes against your skin. I just made you aware of it. This isn’t just a random annoyance; it’s a window into the selective attention of our brains. Our minds constantly filter out “unimportant” sensory information to avoid overload. But once something brings it into focus — like me mentioning it — boom, there it is, and you can’t unfeel it. It’s a testament to our brain’s incredible ability to focus and, frankly, to annoy us with the mundane.

Is Swearing a Sign of Sincerity?

Let’s talk about swearing. People who liberally sprinkle their language with profanities are likely to be more honest than their more verbally restrained counterparts. Why? Swearing often expresses emotions authentically and without filter. It’s raw, authentic, and sometimes, the only way to truly capture your feelings. This doesn’t mean every curse-laden rant is a gospel of truth, but it suggests that those who don’t shy away from a well-placed expletive are less concerned with social facades than with expressing genuine thoughts.



Rick Allen
Hope * Healing * Humour

I write about Love, Kitchen, Business, and the lifestyle of an Artist. I became a Portraitist in 1976. It has taken me to many places and enriched my life.