Trying to Fit Into a Toddler Suit That I’ve Outgrown

What happens when I attempt to back-pedal on the personal growth journey

Barbara Cook
Hope * Healing * Humour


kid goat in overalls. Barbara Cook blog. Like a toddler suit that I’ve outgrown.
Image Kastranec, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

This story is for anyone who has ever tried to travel backwards on the path of personal growth — reverting to old behaviours that no longer serve. Over thirty years ago a poem came through me, where I described it as ‘trying to fit back into a toddler suit that I’ve outgrown.’

The other day I scheduled one of my weekly Favourite Friday quotes on my Instagram and Facebook pages. I used Liz Porter’s wonderful description of herself as

a personal growth fanatic who’s stopped shrinking into places I’ve outgrown

Have you had this sensation?

It’s when you have a deep shift, start doing or saying things differently, then there can be an ‘invitation’ to go back and do that ‘old thing’ again.

But shrinking back into that old pattern seems LUDICROUS and TOTALLY unavailable to the new version of me.

Here’s what I mean:

I used to have a tendency to gather others in to collectively moan and bitch about something that had triggered me; not seeking empowered solutions, mind you, just bitching and moaning in a disempowered way. It was like a comforting ‘pity…



Barbara Cook
Hope * Healing * Humour

Award-winning author of “Good Choice A Soul’s Story”. Shares personal stories with self-awareness. Mindfulness, personal & spiritual development, relationships.