We All Make Mistakes

The gloriously flawed art of human mistakes

Hope * Healing * Humour
2 min readMar 29, 2024


Ah, mistakes. Those beautiful blunders that pebbled, freckle the path of our existence. Like a toddler maniacally juggling a plate of spaghetti, we humans fumble and bumble our way through life, splattering marinara on the walls of existence.

But you know what? That’s perfectly ok…no, scratch that — it’s utterly magnificent.

Because mistakes are the birthplace of growth, the fertile soil from which our most profound lessons sprout. They shape us, challenging our egos with a cosmic “boop” on the nose, whispering,

“Wake up, my friend. You are delightfully imperfect.”

Like that time I epically face-planted during my 5th-grade dancing deb𝑢t{t} (the searing embarrassment still tingles my cheeks). Or when I turned up to a first date rocking mustard stains and a “The IT Crowd” t-shirt (she, understandably, handed me a “thanks, but no thanks” to-go bag).

Mistakes are the cosmic skateboard upon which we stumble and scrape our knees, collecting scar tissue stories to be retold over pints and passing joints. They’re the garbled Korean I butchered while traveling, only to be met with laughter and a gesture toward the bathroom.

Because here’s the secret sauce — our mistakes, flaws, and beautiful failings? That’s where the real juice lies. The humility, the growth, the wisdom and the self-awareness to be gained by observing our own gloriously misstepped dance.

It’s in these moments of deliciously flawed imperfection that we wake up to our humanity, shaking off the shackles of our ego’s grandeur. We’re reminded that we’re all in this messy sojourn together, stringing apologies like popcorn to be munched over hearty guffaws.

So go forth and stumble! Mispronounce oeu-vres and forget passwords. Spill your drink at the company gala, fresh off a bad dye job (been there). Make humiliating flubs so rich and decadent they could be an arthouse French film.

Because, mes amis, in these wild “oops” moments we find the courage to be vulnerable. To go boldly forth with our awkward selves, warts and all, and realize — we’re all just flawed beings trying our dankest under these wild quirky stars.

So raise a glass to the majestic mistakes that pave our twisting road! May we embrace our delicious flaws until our final breath, always remaining unabashedly: human.

Inspired to write today by

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Hope * Healing * Humour

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Philosophy, and Economy