Fiction | Identity | Healing

What Color Are You Beige!

The hidden shades of significance

Sam Letterwood
Hope * Healing * Humour


The sentimental beige paint
Photo Credit: Behr

“The most popular choice award for the year 2024 goes to Ms. Crimson,” the host announced on TV. Beige looked at TV for a moment and then shifted his gaze at the window and looked far down the street. A three-legged, one-ear dog was hobbling down the street with its no-fur injured tail between its legs.

It is a gloomy day.

They all are winning people’s favorite and popular choice awards. They all are celebrities and people are crazy about them. I also want significance and recognition.

I am the forgotten color of society. I am always there but never really get noticed. People walk right past me without a second glance, preferring to take in the vibrant reds or calming blues themselves.

But what about me? What about Beige? Doesn’t this colorful world have a place for me?

I never complained for centuries, why now!

I often find myself contemplating these questions as I quietly sit on the walls, watching the world go by.

As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel like a stranger in my own skin. Amalgamation of colors has brought about a whirlwind of changes, and somewhere along the way, I seem to have lost sight of who I truly am.

“Hey there, Beige!” A bright voice invades my thoughts; Coral is always being the one who makes friends. “You seem lost in thought. What are you thinking about?”

I sigh and think whether I should let someone into my miserable inner world. “Oh, you know, just wondering if anyone actually sees me. I mean, everyone is so tied up in their own color, their own lives. Do I even matter?”

Coral gives me a sympathetic look, her hue is as vibrant as the dimming of my spirit: “Of course you matter, Beige provide warmth, comfort. You’re the backdrop to so many beautiful moments.”

I nod, trying to understand what she is saying. “Well… but sometimes I just can’t shake a feeling of…are you feeling bland? Like I am only here to take up space.”

People even use idioms like ‘beige and bland’ to refer to something or someone uninteresting and unimpressive.

Parents are intentionally dressing their kids in muted tones of me like a nineteenth century orphan while calling it beige parenting. How sad!

Even the Witchy witch is blue. Beige started to cry. Tears of pain and agony made Beige go further into a shell.

From the corner comes a gentle smile, which belongs to Slate Gray. “Ah Beige, the philosopher as always. Believe me, you are more than just filler. You are a canvas waiting to be painted, a blank page ready to speak.”

“Ha ha, look at cry baby, Beige! The orphan from nineteenth century,” a mocking tone of Red felt like a dagger piercing my heart deep.

“Stop it Red, mind your own business. Do not make fun of Beige. Leave him alone.” Coral has always been so sweet to me and stood for me. I do not know why and what she sees in me.

Perhaps there is something else about me yet left unsaid. I might even have a role to play in this pallet of colors.

At that moment, every one moved aside as someone was walking in.

The grand old man White slowly came close to Beige. Hold his hand gently. It is quite natural the way you feel Beige. Let me tell you few things that I have learnt over multiple centuries.

Is it wise to limit ourselves to just so-called superior human perceptions!

And our quest for significance and self-identity, in a world where we often feel overshadowed by our more flashy relatives, is very delusional.

Flashy social media that mostly highlights the bright colors of life and persona, is only creating an illusion of perfect life.

Is that what true life is!

Nothing against bright colors, but what they signify is momentary bright spots in the timeline while you are the consistent foundation of life that accommodates and hold them all together.

You are like the invisible parent who is always there at their disposal to support them without seeking any glory for what you have been doing for decades.

It’s all about perception and how we look at it. Humans perceive Witchy Witch as blue. Is she really blue!

Do trillions of creatures on earth perceive her as blue? Definitely not.

In fact majority of creatures do not sense the bright colors. How someone perceives us only tells about their personality, sensibility, wisdom and intelligence, not ours.

Will you look the same if the lights in this room are replaced? Will you be the same under ultraviolet or infrared lights? What color are you when the lights are switched off at night?

Animals, including humans are able to see colors because of the presence of cone photoreceptors in their eyes whereas rod photoreceptors help to see in dim light or at night.

Most animals have a combination of cones, rods, and a gamut of color-sensitive pigments in their eyes which along with the brain decides what colors an animal can see.

Truly color-blind animals completely lack cones, and animals without rods in their eyes can only see during the day.

Dogs see red as grey. They cannot differentiate between red and green.

Bulls are color-blind.

Humans are blind to ultraviolet, while bees and butterflies can see it as they have four types of cone photoreceptors. So-called superior humans have only three.

All humans are color-blind in dim light — for them, all turns into shades of grey. Cats and dogs only need 15% of light as humans do. Owls, elephant hawkmoths, woolly lemurs can see in dark.

So why we solely should depend on human perceptions of us!

Should our happiness and significance be dependent on others? Be at others’ mercy!

What would you prefer?

Admiration that comes from respect or pseudo-admiration that comes from infatuation towards ignorance?

Many a times, insignificance is a bliss, dear.

Dear Beige you signify the brightness and coolness of me along with the warmth and earthiness of brown.

You are calm, relaxing, and dependable. Moreover, you represent simplicity and comfort. For centuries you are known for your ability to create a sense of balance and harmony.

The minimalist you is clean, elegant, and timeless.

You represent balance and equilibrium in life. Can one imagine existence of life without them! Without you!

Your flashy cousins are bright and colorful because of you. It’s all relative.

What does it really mean to be bright and colorful! Is superficiality valued the most in life?

All that shines is no gold. Your true color is harmony, Beige.

“You are the only one who I see as the worthy one to carry forward my legacy for many centuries to come,” said the grand old man with a calming smile on his face.

After giving a pat of assurance on my back, the grand old man took his leave from the room.

The sun is sinking below the horizon, makes the room glow golden and warm — and indeed I have discovered a little bit of courage springing up in me for the first time.

“Thank you old man,” I whisper as my voice fills with gratitude. “Maybe I’m Beige, but I am not just ‘beige’. I am me and that’s enough.”

Finally, I begin to realize and appreciate my place in the world of colors. Even the simplest color can contain tremendous beauty and significance.

This story is written in response to an intelligent invitation from Liberty. An incredibly creative invitation. Thoroughly enjoyed the unconventional creativity it brought in me. Thank you.

Also please read these fabulous writers – Suzie, Rick, and Darlene. They are so amazing.



Sam Letterwood
Hope * Healing * Humour

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner