Hope | Healing | Humour

Welcome To My Pub!

Grab a drink, put your feet up, and enjoy a break!

Liberty Forrest
Hope * Healing * Humour
2 min readOct 27, 2021


Photo designed in Canva by author with herb/flower photo from silviarita at Pixabay

Side note: Hmm, kind of funny. One of the things I love most about living in England is going to the pub. It’s not the wine — well, yes, I do love wine — but it’s these beautiful hundreds-of-years-old buildings. It’s the atmosphere. The creaky floors…the wrought-iron window latches…the huge, stone fireplaces.

You can take your kids to the pub, and your dogs. There are often dog treats in a jar on the bar. It’s like going to a friend’s house where everyone gathers for a laugh and a chat…much like being here on Medium, where I’ve found a home, friends, and family…

There’s nothing like old English pubs where I grew up in Western Canada. Attempts at reproductions fail miserably; you can’t cram hundreds of years of energy and history in the wood, brick and stone into modern buildings.

Since I first moved here many years ago, I’ve thought about how much I’d love to have a pub. Well…the Universe works in mysterious ways, and now I have one of my own! Yay!

Ahhh, don’t you love the photo above? It has such peaceful, healing, tranquil energy…clean, fresh, and light…rosemary, sage, thyme…just need some parsley and we’ve got a fabulous Simon and Garfunkel tune happening!



Liberty Forrest
Hope * Healing * Humour

Creator of “Witchy” cartoon. Award-Winning Author. Spiritual Arts. My PUBS: 1) THE AFTERLIFE; 2) HOPE, HEALING AND HUMOUR; and 3) THEWITCHYONE (for "Witchy")