A ‘good morning’ stretching routine

2 min readApr 12, 2016


Reach for the skies! I mean, your toes.

In response to some questions from the Marquette running group, I’ve written out the stretching routine I adopted as part of my holistic view of health. I complete the circuits in the morning, coupled with meditation/prayer, and some nights before bed. The practice helps me wake up and take a deep breath before stresses of the day sneak in.

Disclaimer: This is what works for me, but feel free to adopt your own routine.

I complete each circuit 2–3 times, depending on where I feel discomfort, holding each pose for 15–20 seconds. If you don’t want to practice your counting for each stretch, this interval timer allows you to create a routine with subtle alarms to change poses.

Before stretching, I begin with several minutes of foam rolling. Not familiar this foam I’m referring to and why people are rolling on it? Here’s your guide.

Circuit #1

Circuit #2

Circuit #3

Circuit #4

Circuit #5

Happy stretching!

What stretches or progressions work for you? Leave a note or connect with me on Twitter and I will share your thoughts/suggestions.

