31 Days Of Halloween.

Adam Bat
Hope Lies at 24 Frames Per Second.
1 min readOct 4, 2016

With October comes 31 Days Of Halloween, the annual excuse to watch movies of the horror persuasion for a whole month.

I began my attempt on Saturday evening, with a much-anticipated screening of the newly-restored Chopping Mall, a personal favourite, and while I’ve since faltered (lest one counts Sunday night’s Savile, from Louis Theroux as qualifying viewing…) it will continue apace in the coming days and weeks. Keep an eye on our Twitter feed for real-time updates, while pieces will be forthcoming on here. Indeed, a piece on Chopping Mall is imminently forthcoming.



Adam Bat
Hope Lies at 24 Frames Per Second.

One-time almost award-winning freelance writer on cinema and film programmer but now writes about chairs from the north of England.