How To Stop Feeling Stuck In Life

Looking at life as lessons, be open-minded, and try things out.

Prof. Cabrera
5 min readJan 13, 2020
Photo by Aubrey Rose Odom on Unsplash

Do you feel stuck?

Do you wake up in the morning feeling lost and unmotivated? How about feeling like you have tried anything, but your life doesn’t change?

No worries, I understand. I believe that feeling stuck in life is normal. We can all experience it from time to time as human beings.

However, as I have learned through the years, the key is not to stay in that state of mind.

So, I have learned ways to overcome this period of feeling stuck and making progress in my life.

Thus, I wanted to share them with you.

Look At Events As Lessons

The first thing I have learned to get unstuck in your life is to look at any traumatic event in your life as a lesson. Maybe you lost your job, your spouse left you, or you can’t lose weight.

Instead of looking at the past from a victim’s perspective, that is, having a victim mentality, try to learn from it.

Ask yourself why this event happened to you and try to identify what you could have done differently, so you can learn from it and not repeat the same behavior next time a situation like this comes…

