Living Through The Experience

Abayomi Omoogun
4 min readApr 17, 2019


Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. Paulo Coelho

Living Life is all about experiencing life itself. To deny one from living life is to take away his experience from living.

Your vision towards life is what it shows you back.

The purpose of your life is to experience the wholeness of who you really are.

If you look at life being hard, everything out of life is going to seem hard to you. If you look at it from another lens seeing life is simple (not easy), then everything out of life is going to seem simple. But in all, life must be experienced.

I am very sure you have seen some authors who say don’t go to school or college. That is because one way or the other, they have experienced what going to school feels like.

I know they have their reasons for saying so. But in all, they have experienced what school is in a way before saying don’t go.

It’s the priceless experiences in life that makes us happy at the end of the day.

Living life is all about experiencing it.

The rate at which we go on experiencing it is what is differentiate us.


The only source of knowledge is the experience. Albert Einstein.

Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash

To experience life is to learn from it.

My brother recently bought a small dog. And ever since we have been nurturing it I can tell you training a dog is not an easy task as I thought it was.

Ask me how I know that? I experienced it myself.

Sometimes, I get mad at the dog and other days, I get to understand her better. The more my experience with the dog, The better I get to understand her.

That is the way life is as well. The more your experience with life, the better you understand life better.

Am sure Mike Tyson knows it is good to be humble when he was in his prime during his boxing days.

But look at how long he took him to experience it. Not until he had lost it all when he said: “If you’re not humble in this world, then the world will throw humbleness upon you”. He got to experience the word humble himself.

Am sure Mike Tyson can give lectures on why it is good to be humble. That is the experience talking.

Pain or Pleasure

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

To experience the fullness of who you are. Embrace every experience and discover the lessons contained within those experiences. Learn and grow from them while you evolve says Tony Fahkry.

Every experience brings with it a mistake or triumph. And often a realization about who we are as individuals.

The choices we make compound over time So, you will either experience pain or pleasure.

Experience helps us clarify how we think. Whom we want to surround ourselves with. And ultimately an understanding of what makes us happy in life.

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.” ? Eleanor Roosevelt.

The more your learning experience with life, the better it is for you among your peers. The saying experience is the best teacher is true if you can learn from the experience itself.

Life has a way of teaching us by learning, reflection and experience. How you want to learn from life is up to you. But remember, We are brought into this world to live our lives and experience the journey that comes along with living it.

Life is all about the experience, the better and faster you can learn from that experience, the better it is for you. I am learning from life and also at the same time experiencing life as well.


We are the accumulation of everything we’ve ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt. It is an experience that will lead to that next big breakthrough idea for our businesses. In other words, experiences come with life lessons.

Learn from your experience but learn more from other people’s experience. Cause you get wisdom through experience.

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection which is noblest; Second, by imitation which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Confucius

Remember life is a teacher and we are the student. How you want to learn from life is up to you. Whether you want to learn and experience it together. Or you want to learn without experiencing it. It is up to you.


