Oh No-Not Another Depression Piece!

Yes, it is, and please don’t tell me to “just get over it”.

3 min readMay 10, 2017


Depression is not just me feeling sorry for myself.

Depression can not be controlled. You can’t turn it on and off. Don’t tell me to just stop being so sad because that is not how it works. Don’t tell me to think happy thoughts; it isn’t that easy. It is more complicated than that.

Depression can strike at any moment. One day you can feel like you are on top of the world, but with depression, the next day you can feel like the world is on top of you.

Depression will take the most confident girl and make her doubt everything about herself within a matter of minutes.

Depression makes you feel weak, ugly, useless, worthless, and unimportant.

Depression makes you your own worst enemy.

Depression is not only felt emotionally, but it can also leave you with fatigue and physical pain.

Depression can cause you to overthink anything into a major disaster waiting to happen.

Depression can lead to anxiety. Having both can make you feel like your heart and mind are about to explode, and at the same time you are too sad to even care.

Depression can make you feel like a burden to those closest to you and like the world would be better off without you in it.

Depression is REAL. Please stop telling me to “just get over it”.

To anyone who has ever wanted to give up-don’t! You are strong and you can get through whatever you are struggling with. I know it is hard to believe right now, but things will get better.

To anyone who has ever felt like they are misunderstood-you aren’t. I know exactly what it feels like to think that no one understands what depression feels like and too exhausted to even try to explain it.

To anyone who thinks that they are alone-I know it feels like you are, but you are not alone. I am here even if you don’t know me. Friends, family, and loved ones can help you; just don’t isolate yourself (I know that this is easier said than done and I am also guilty of doing this!).

To anyone who, like me, would rather suffer in silence than to reach out for help, maybe, just maybe, it will be ok to ask for help this time. Don’t think that you will be a burden. Don’t think that you have to suffer alone. Don’t be afraid. And most importantly, never give up.



Trying to figure out this thing called life and embracing the darkness along the way.