Stuck at the Very Edge of Hope

Fierce Force šŸ’ƒšŸ¼
3 min readJan 15, 2018



So much behind us.

Everything in front of us.

Everything on the other side is beautiful.

Everything on the other side is freedom.

Total Freedom.

Everything we want, is on the other side of fear.

Stuck. We are stuck. We have done so very well. We have grown. So much. Come so far. Come right up to hear. Right now, the edge. We are on the edge. A bridge awaits. Waiting to carry us to the other side. Stuck. Wanting to take that first step so very badly. Visualizing the other side. In our heads, we see ourselves dancing, in total freedom, slave to nothing. This visionĀ isĀ real! Now itā€™s a matter of stepping into our clean bodies on the other side. Drop down. Lean in. Simply frolicking around the layers of giggles, and restful dreams. Sleep is allowed. And welcomed. Pressure is none. Only fun. Clarity. Consciousness. Confidence. Clean. Creativity. Blissful aliveness.

We trust the universe. We trust our paths fiercely. We know. Yetā€¦ we are still standing hereā€¦.staring for so long.


It is time. We know itā€™s time. Yet, we donā€™t want to go begin. But oh how we need to. We certainly donā€™t want to stay stuck at the start of this bridge. And we definitely refuse to go backwards. Donā€™t even suggest it. Itā€™s not in our DNA. Itā€™s not a choice. Not staying stuck.

To stay stuck is to die.

To step forward gently, is to surrender.

To surrender, is to do something extraordinary.

So, we force ourselves to do all the necessary ground work to ensure we take our next step, which is the first step. Soon. No turning back.

We opened our hearts, we turned our insides out, we asked for help. And the universe listened, gifting us what we need in the form of the beautiful humans who heal. Holding space for us, so that we can heal ourselves.

We are all knowing! A white light starts to beam and open from our heart. We must hold onto this light dearly, with fierce trust,

ā€”ā€Š-for this white beam is our flashlight.

Comforted, supported, kissed with trust. Yes here we are. At the edge. This bridge. Itā€™s way too foggy to see few other side even though we can see ourselves on the other side. We just canā€™t see ourselves in the fog. And that is whatā€™s scary as shit. We breathe this in. We allow ourselves time to process all we are fully realizing and understanding knowing that we are provided with the help we need to get the other side.

We reach out our hands, gasping. Thankfully the universe grabs our hands back tightly, in the form of our people who can help us get to the other side, which is so very beautiful.

So close. Maybe very soon. Within two weeks. Itā€™s time. We may not be ready, but we know, inside we truly know all will be ok.

Whatā€™s in the way, is the way.

Now, all that is left as we pick up our foot to gently with ease move forward, is toā€¦


And by we, I mean me.

Fiercely trusting.

Inspired by Tasneem Kagalwalla prompt Believe for Kathy Jacobsā€™s weekly One Line Poetry project at Chalkboard.



Fierce Force šŸ’ƒšŸ¼

Naked On The Page. Mother. Living the next great love story. Want to see what happens next? Follow me, my pen knows best!