Submission Guidelines for Hopes and Dreams For Our Future

Updated 6/25/2019

Cheney Meaghan
2 min readJun 25, 2019
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Hello, writers.

Welcome to the third iteration of Hopes and Dreams For Our Future.

This publication was created many moons ago by the lovely erika sauter and was then given to the enchanting Iva Ursano who has now passed it on to me, your editor, Cheney Meaghan :-)

Still with me?


For a long time, Hopes and Dreams has been accepting a hodgepodge of all different kinds of writing from all different sorts of writers, making it a melting pot of Medium’s finest poets, authors, essayists and journalists, but I would like to unite us all now under a common theme.

Dreaming big dreams and getting our goals down on paper.

We all have big dreams and goals for ourselves, and this is the new place where you can write about setting them and crushing them — together.

Henceforth, Hopes and Dreams for Our Future will be based on just that — our hopes and dreams.

What kind of stories are we looking for?

Tell us what your big dream is and what you are doing to achieve it.

