Dufour 2.1.0 Public Release

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2024

After the wildly successful release of Dufour, which has seen the network scale to over 400 nodes, we’ve decided to release Dufour 2.1.0. Our latest release comes off a multi-month effort to improve network stability and the feature set offered for both SafeStaking and running HOPR Nodes.

Completed Rust Migration

The cornerstone of this release is the now completed migration to Rust. This transition is not merely a change in programming language but a holistic upgrade to how HOPR operates, enhancing packet throughput and solidifying the network’s backbone.

With Rust, we’ve seen dramatic improvements in memory management, the eradication of memory leaks, and a leap in code maintainability. These changes lay the foundation for a mixnet that’s not only faster and more reliable but also future-proof.


Multisig is a staple for securing funds in web3, and by bringing it to the HOPR ecosystem we offer the HOPR community that much needed extra security for their assets and on-chain transactions.

You can now assign multiple owner wallets/admin keys to your HOPR Safe and choose exactly how many of them need to approve a transaction for it to be signed on-chain.

Multiple Nodes, One Safe

Until recently, a HOPR Safe could only have one HOPR node associated with it. Now you can connect all your nodes to the same HOPR Safe and have your staked funds accessible to all of them securely through our SafeStaking infrastructure.

No need to split funds across multiple Safes, or go through multiple onboarding processes for your Safe. If you want to add a new node, you can log in to the Staking Hub with your existing Safe and start the process directly through your Safe dashboard.

Automated Strategies

An efficiently run node needs to keep well-managed payment channels and correctly allocate and collect funds. HOPR node strategies allow users to do all this without having to manually access the node admin for every individual action.

With our automated strategies you can pre-set conditions which will automatically trigger these strategies to take actions on your behalf. For example, the promiscuous strategy closes channels it deems to have low quality connections and opens new ones with nodes it sees as good quality connection.

You could say nodes with a connectivity score above 0.9 are good quality connection, and you want a maximum of 20 connections. The strategy will automatically close channels with nodes that drop below that threshold and open new channels with good quality connection nodes, maintaining a maximum of 20 good quality connections at all times as long as 20 good quality connections are visible.

Other strategies can similarly be configured to manage ticket redemption and allocation of funds across your payment channels.

Configuration File

Our new configuration file allows advanced users to have granular control over how their node operates. This ranges from configuring strategies to network behaviour, RPC providers, chains, inbox settings and what ports and metrics your node exposes.

This is for the power users out there who want to optimize their nodes to run smoother and potentially garner a larger portion of the network traffic.

Improved UI & UX

The HOPR Node Admin and Staking Hub UI have both seen significant improvements, with a much more intuitive design and user experience.

Along with the new UI, two additional noteworthy features have been added:

  • Support for WalletConnect V2
  • A node inbox to cache incoming messages

Additional Optimizations & Features

We couldn’t cover all the work done by our team in this short article, so here is a quick look over a few of the more notable new optimizations and features we missed:

  • We now support incoming channel closure support, so you can control who connects to your node and not only which nodes you connect to.
  • We migrated to SQLite for faster, more reliable database operations.
  • Several new ticket-handling optimizations were added to eliminate deadlocks and duplicated transactions.
  • We added DDNS support so users with dynamic IPs can run nodes locally.
  • And finally we enhanced SSL support for nodes and node admin so everything can now use the industry standard, https. As a bonus this also removed WebSocket usage by the node admin entirely.

For a comprehensive overview of all the changes introduced in the new release, please visit: Changelog

Network Stats

The HOPR network’s strength is in its numbers, and Dufour showcases stats that underscore the success of the release to date. With over 400 running nodes & 25 million wxHOPR staked, the HOPR network is continually scaling and is on a very short list of web3 projects which generate genuine protocol revenue.

At HOPR, we couldn’t be happier with all the support from our community. It’s amazing to see how quickly the network has scaled, and we promise to keep innovating and pushing to build the privacy infrastructure that web3 so desperately needs.

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel,
HOPR Founder

