Encryption for Censorship Resistance — Musings by HOPR and Shutter

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2023

This blog is co-authored by Sebastian Bürgel and Luis Bezzenberger

Why Censorship Resistance Matters

As we increasingly rely on the internet for communication, business, and governance, the potential for censorship poses a significant threat to freedom of speech and the free flow of information. Censorship resistance ensures that voices, ideas, and data can be shared without undue restriction or manipulation, fostering an environment where innovation and democracy can thrive.

In the decentralized world of cryptocurrency, censorship resistance is not just a feature; it’s a fundamental principle. The ability to transact freely without fear of suppression or interference is a cornerstone upon which the edifice of blockchain technology is built. Yet, as the crypto ecosystem matures, we witness challenges that threaten this core value.

Recent data from https://censorship.pics/ by Toni Wahrstätter reveals a startling dichotomy between the ideal of an unfettered digital economy and the reality of transaction censorship. Validators, relays, and builders within the network have varying degrees of engagement in censoring activities. For instance, while a commendable 91.58% of validators operate without imposing censorship, builders present a contrasting picture, with a mere 26.15% refraining from such practices. Relays sit in between, with 68.57% being non-censoring.

These figures are not merely statistics; they reflect the ongoing struggle against censorship at different layers of the transaction stack. Whether it’s builders selectively excluding transactions, relays not forwarding certain data, or validators opting for or against including specific transactions, the integrity of a censorship-resistant network is under scrutiny.

Encryption Against Censorship Resistance

In such a landscape, the role of encryption becomes ever more critical. Encryption is the bulwark that protects the privacy and security of transactions, ensuring that the ability to transact remains untainted by undue influence or control.

The insights we gain from analyzing Ethereum’s transaction censorship underscore the urgency of developing and adopting solutions that bolster censorship resistance. This is where projects like HOPR, with its focus on metadata privacy, and Shutter, with its innovative approach to transaction encryption, become not just relevant, but essential.

Moreover, in a world where information = money, encryption is infinitely more valuable than today and not only applies to privacy/anonymity but rather to the preservation of the value of information itself.

By delving into the mechanics of encryption for censorship resistance and exploring the particular applications of HOPR and Shutter, we embark on a journey to safeguard the core tenets of the blockchain revolution — privacy, security, and above all, the unassailable right to transact freely in an open digital world.

HOPR’s Approach to Censorship Resistance

HOPR is at the forefront of leveraging encryption for censorship resistance, particularly in the realm of blockchain and decentralized services. HOPR addresses a critical vulnerability in Web3 — the exposure of metadata, which can be exploited to disrupt, censor, or exploit users and services. This exposure is even more pronounced than in Web 2.0, as metadata in decentralized systems reveals more information about user interactions and transactions. To combat this, HOPR has developed a decentralized, incentivized mixnet that obscures all metadata, including IP addresses. This approach makes it virtually impossible to ascertain who is communicating and what data is being transferred, thereby bolstering privacy and resisting censorship efforts​​.

For instance, in sensitive areas like medical data, where even encrypted information can leak insights through metadata, HOPR ensures that both data and metadata are indistinguishable, providing the highest level of privacy and protection against unwanted surveillance and censorship​​. Furthermore, in decentralized finance (DeFi) and crypto services, HOPR prevents the exposure of user IP addresses and other metadata, which could otherwise be used to link addresses and reveal real-world identities​​. In decentralized energy markets, to prevent malicious price manipulation, HOPR’s metadata-private network ensures transparent and fair transactions​​.

Shutter’s Encrypted Mempool for Censorship Resistance

Shutter Network employs encryption to combat censorship in blockchain transactions. It introduces an encrypted mempool, which ensures transaction details are hidden until they are processed and confirmed. This mechanism prevents the potential for censorship at the validator level by keeping the transaction sender and recipient anonymous to those constructing the blocks. By doing so, Shutter aims to maintain the core principle of censorship resistance within the Ethereum ecosystem, ensuring that transactions are included based on objective measures like transaction fees, not on their content or origin.


The initiatives by HOPR and Shutter Network highlight the essential role of encryption in resisting censorship in our digital world. These innovative solutions offer more than just technological advancements; they represent a commitment to maintaining privacy, freedom, and democracy in the increasingly digitalized global landscape. As we continue to navigate the complexities of digital communication and commerce, the work of HOPR and Shutter serves as a reminder of the ongoing need to safeguard our digital rights and freedoms.

Find out more about HOPR and Shutter:

