HOPR Bounties for ETHDenver 2022

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel
Published in
5 min readFeb 11, 2022

HOPR is headed to Denver! This is the first opportunity to build on top of the HOPR protocol thanks to our brand new API and dev tools. To celebrate this, there are $15,000 USD worth of bounties in HOPR tokens up for grabs as part of the ETH Denver 2022 BUILDathon. Join us in person or virtually: the prizes are the same! We can’t wait to see what privacy-first dApps and tools you come up with.

Sebastian presenting the bounties for ETHDenver2022

HOPR is a privacy project committed to the web3 vision. But part of that is being realistic about the current limitations of today’s web3 services. Although web3 technologies have the potential to usher in a private, decentralized internet, many of today’s web3 dApps are less private than their web 2.0 counterparts. Check out our D.E.R.P. tool for some stark examples of how Metamask, Uniswap, and others compromise your privacy.

There’s still a long way to go.

But it’s easy to criticize from the sidelines. At HOPR we intend to be part of the solution by providing a metadata-private data transport layer that can secure any kind of online data transfer.

As part of the ETHDenver BUIDLathon, we’re giving BUIDLers first access to our new HOPR API and dev tools. Our bounties are all about showcasing the kind of private data transfer a truly decentralized crypto ecosystem needs.

Getting Started with HOPR ETHDenver Bounties

This year at ETHDenver developers will be able to build metadata private applications on top of the HOPR protocol for the very first time.

In order to onboard you rapidly, we provide a simple one-liner to let you immediately start coding and not fiddle with DevOps. You can also get on Gitpod and run a virtual HOPR network from your browser with zero setup overhead, no matter what operating system you’re running locally.

We also have a REST and WebSocket API.

For these bounties, it will generally be sufficient to have a working prototype operating on a local or virtual HOPR network. You can find more in the developer section at docs.hoprnet.org

HOPR Bounties for ETHDenver2022 #BUIDLathon

We have three different bounties in play for this year’s BUIDLathon, with a total of $15,000USD in HOPR tokens available as prizes. These bounties were generously endowed by the HOPR DAO as part of our second governance experiment last year.

All our bounties at ETHDenver are available as both in-person and virtual versions, with identical prizes for each.

The BUIDLathon begins on Friday February 11th at 10am MST. There are different timeframes for in-person and virtual BUIDLing. In-person BUIDling ends at 8am MST on Sun, Feb 20th, while the virtual event continues until 8am MST on Monday, Mar 21.

Bounty 1: Build a HOPR dApp

Total Prize Pool: $8000 in $HOPR tokens

Prize breakdown: 2 x $2000 in-person prizes, 2 x $2000 virtual prizes

We’re offering a freestyle bounty to build a dApp of your choice which secures private information. Anything goes — from IoT, chat, bots, or other private point-to-point data transmission use cases. Maybe there’s some data that you’d like to transmit more privately in the Ethereum ecosystem? The prizes will be awarded to the most interesting and relevant use cases that send data via HOPR.

Building a demo with local or virtual HOPR networks is good enough to win this bounty, but we expect a working prototype that shows data being sent through the HOPR network.

Bounty 2: Private Ethereum Transaction Relaying Service

Total Prize Pool: $3000 in $HOPR tokens

Prize breakdown: 1 x $1500 in-person prize, 1 x $1500 virtual prize

Build a service to relay Ethereum transactions privately using HOPR, without exposing the users’ IP address or other metadata. We expect an API or website to submit a signed transaction (e.g. generated via MyCrypto, a library or offline wallet). The transaction is then sent via HOPR to a service that broadcasts the Ethereum transaction — any EVM chain goes, including rollups, Polygon, Skale or others. Please note that with the current version of the HOPR protocol, the broadcasting service cannot confirm the submission without compromising sender anonymity.

The prize will be awarded to the most versatile Ethereum transaction relaying service that submits signed transactions via HOPR. We expect a working prototype to show transactions getting confirmed after being submitted through (a local or virtual) HOPR network.

Bounty 3: Payment Channel Topology Visualization

Total Prize Pool: $4000 in $HOPR tokens

Prize breakdown: 1 x $2000 in-person prize, 1 x $2000 virtual prize

The HOPR protocol relies on payment channels for the incentive layer of our mixnet. Users need to see the topology of payment channels (and optionally the importance of each node) to make smart decisions about which other nodes they should open payment channels to. This allows node operators to connect their node to other highly connected (and important) nodes and thereby relay a larger amount of packets — this in turn will increase their earnings for relaying packets.

For this bounty, we expect a frontend implementation which reads the relevant events about updates on payment channels and then renders them in a way that shows the node addresses to users. The resulting graph should have nodes that are HOPR addresses (optionally with importance score) and directed edges which are payment channels with balance amounts.

The prize will be awarded to the team that visualizes the HOPR payment channel topology in the most useful way for node operators who want to maximize their returns.

For more on HOPR payment channels, head here.

Judges and Judging

The bounties will be judged by two members of our development team: Qianchen Yu and Lukas Pohanka. Both will be in attendance at ETH Denver if you have any questions.

In addition to the criteria stipulated under each bounty, submissions need to be a working solution available under any free and open-source software license. We’ll then judge based on whether the solution is a creative and appropriate use of the HOPR protocol for protecting metadata and the impact of the solution to change data privacy for good.


To help you get started, we’ve provided a suite of resources at https://docs.hoprnet.org

You’ll find background on HOPR, tutorials, dedicated developer docs and a guide to our API.

ETHDenver attendees can also join our workshop, Fixing Web3 Privacy with HOPR, at 4:20pm on Wednesday February 16th. You’ll get a whistlestop tour of HOPR as well as an opportunity to talk to the bounty judges.

Virtual and in-person attendees can both get support on the HOPR Discord. If you’re attending ETHDenver in person, feel free to approach one of the team and ask questions.

We’re so excited to start BUIDLing on top of HOPR and can’t think of a better venue for these first steps into making the dream of a private decentralized web3 a reality. Whether you attend in-person or virtually, we wish you the best of luck and can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Sebastian Bürgel,
HOPR Founder

Website: https://www.hoprnet.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hoprnet
Telegram: https://t.me/hoprnet
Discord: https://discord.gg/dEAWC4G
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hoprnet
Forum: https://forum.hoprnet.org

