HOPR Co-Founds Leading Privacy Alliance of Web3

Rik Krieger, Serial Entrepreneur
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2022

The Leading Privacy Alliance (LPA) was officially launched in Bogotá, Colombia ahead of Devcon. LPA members will work together to promote privacy and build cross-stack technology which puts privacy first in web3. This is the only way to protect users and help web3 technology reach its true potential as an evolution of Web 2.0.

The core values of the LPA are privacy, neutrality, and freedom. The LPA strives to build transparent technology which provides users with full control of their choices online, including their privacy choices. These values and goals are a strong match with HOPR’s, so it makes perfect sense for us to join the LPA as a founding member and seek to onboard like-minded projects.

Crypto and web3 are a huge leap forward for privacy. But although they lay the groundwork which makes online privacy possible, the real work is still ahead. Although privacy is a fundamental crypto value, the reality is that privacy in web3 is fractured and insufficient. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and privacy is required across the entire web3 stack or we have no privacy at all.

2022 has seen a whole host of privacy issues. DeFi platforms and wallets expose an unacceptable amount of user data and metadata. Ethereum’s recent switch to proof of stake has exposed a potential privacy exploit at the heart of web3 infrastructure. The sanctioning of Tornado Cash and the fractured response across the crypto community shows that we need a unified approach in order to ensure that crypto regulation is fair and proportional and to avoid unnecessary self-censorship.

In addition to building tech, a vital role of the LPA will be in educating users, providing a coherent and consistent privacy narrative, and acting as a united front to engage with regulators and other entities which shape the legal landscape web3 must operate within.

Privacy doesn’t imply secrecy, and decentralization doesn’t imply a lack of unity.

In addition to HOPR, the LPA is joined by Dusk and Blockwallet as founding members.

The LPA is a registered Swiss Association and the organization will work towards becoming a true DAO.

Applications for membership are open, so if you’re a project that shares our values and recognizes the fundamental role privacy must play in a secure and free web3, apply today!



Rik Krieger, Serial Entrepreneur
Editor for

Rik Krieger holds an Executive MBA from the University of Zurich and has extensive experience in Brand, HR, Operations & Business Development