HOPR Staking Season 7 Launch

Rik Krieger, Serial Entrepreneur
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2023

HOPR Staking Season 7 will launch on April 26th 2023 at 2pm CEST. As with all our seasons, it will run for 3 months, until 2pm CEST on July 26th. Read on for all the changes. You can get more information on the full staking program here.

Unstaking from Season 6

Shortly before the season transition, the staking season 6 website will move to https://stake-s6.hoprnet.org/

Once the season ends, press the Unlock button and your tokens and NFTs will be returned to your wallet, along with any unclaimed rewards.

To restake, head to https://stake.hoprnet.org and follow the instructions. Remember to unwrap your wxHOPR first with our wrapper widget.

If you have a Network Registry NFT, staking from the same address will ensure that you can continue to run your node uninterrupted.

If you would like to move your node to a different address, that’s fine, but you’ll need to reregister your node in the Network Registry smart contract, so we know the correct address to send your rewards to. We will sync the registry contract after one week, and only nodes linked to staking season 7 addresses will be able to function within the network.

Base Parameters

The base parameters for Season 7 are the same as for Season 6. As always, older NFTs have been cycled out. Only NFTs from staking seasons 5, 6 and 7 will be eligible to boost your rewards, although NFTs from Season 4 still count for waitlist priority to access our network registry.

The important top level parameters are:

  • Base rate of 1.25%
  • Boost cap of 250,000
  • Season 4 NFTs no longer provide a staking boost (but are still counted for waitlist priority, so hold on to them in your staking address!)

The season will run from 2pm CEST on April 26th to 2pm CEST on July 26th.

Network Rewards

Network rewards will continue into Season 7. The rewards for each cycle will increase as the number of participants in the network grows. We’ll also add new metrics to measure node activity and participation, starting with a version check to reward people for running the latest version of the node software.

Because the most recent reward cycle clashed with the season switch over, it was a shorter one-week period with a reward of 75,000 HOPR tokens.

From April 26th we will return to the usual two-week schedule, so make sure to unstake and restake in Season 7 as soon as possible to make sure you keep earning rewards. All start and end times are 2pm CEST.

You can check the network rewards and current network status at https://network.hoprnet.org



Rik Krieger, Serial Entrepreneur
Editor for

Rik Krieger holds an Executive MBA from the University of Zurich and has extensive experience in Brand, HR, Operations & Business Development