Matterhorn Testnet is here!

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2022

The Matterhorn testnet has started. Run nodes to help us test the newest release of the HOPR network and earn yourself a HOPR Boost NFT. You’ll be able to use these NFTs in the second season of our staking program. Here’s everything you need to know about Matterhorn.

How the Matterhorn Testnet Works

After some minor setbacks due to our whitehat hacking session last month, the Matterhorn public testnet is ready to go. Like last time, we need your help to stress-test the HOPR network by running as many nodes as possible for as long as possible. Open and close channels, send and relay data packets and earn and redeem tickets. We’ll then analyze your nodes’ actions using on-chain data to determine your node’s score.

IMPORTANT: To ensure that all your nodes count towards your score, make sure you fund them from the same xDAI address. This will also be the address your NFT is sent to when the testnet ends.

All the information you need to run a node is accessible in our revised documentation site:

How to earn your NFT Rewards

Participation in the Matterhorn testnet will be rewarded with HOPR Boost NFTs, which can be traded or redeemed in our staking program for APR boosts.

The rank of your NFT and the APR boost percentage it provides will depend on the score of your node. The more channels you will open and close as well as the more tickets you will redeem, the bigger your score, the higher the percentage of your HOPR boost NFT will be.

SO IMPORTANT, WE’RE SAYING IT TWICE: To ensure that all your nodes count towards your score, make sure you fund them from the same xDAI address. This will also be the address your NFT is sent to when the testnet ends.

If you require any help or run into any issues while testing, don’t hesitate to ask our Team and Ambassadors in the Telegram channel.

What do we expect to happen?

There have been a lot of improvements to the HOPR protocol since the last testnet. Most importantly, we’ve stabilized the network layer and improved NAT support — the magic that allows two HOPR nodes to talk to one another, even if they’re both behind a typical home internet router, notably without any centralized infrastructure. This means nodes can be spun up on most devices and should be able to see and communicate with each other. We’ve also implemented a lot of stability fixes, so the network should be able to grow far bigger than last time.

And indeed that’s the goal of this testnet: to see how big we can grow the network before it breaks. This will help us determine a safe threshold for an upcoming endeavour we’re going to tell you about soon!

So we do expect things to break, but in a good way! We have no idea how large the network can currently grow, and finding out how and at what size it runs into problems will provide our dev team with valuable information for future releases.

The Matterhorn testnet will run from 10am CET on Thursday 10th February until 2pm CET on Wednesday 16th of February. Thank you for helping us test and contributing to network-level and metadata privacy.

Sebastian Bürgel,
HOPR Founder

