Node and Staking Season Analytics

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2023

Staking Season 6 has begun, and at time of writing over 45m HOPR have already been staked.

We’ve already shown off our improved staking website and UI, but since node running is a major part of the rewards for this season, we’d like to take this opportunity to share some more ways you can get information about your stake, node, and the staking program and HOPR network as a whole.

We’ll also be sharing our plans to further improve network analytics over the next month.

Network Statistics

In addition to our updated staking UI, there have been some improvements to the network page at

Like in the staking site, you’ll see a new column labeled “Next estimated network rewards”. Once the network rewards are turned on in February, this column will show you your expected rewards for the current reward period.

Please bear in mind that this will show what your rewards would be if the reward period ended now. In reality the rewards can go both up and down depending on the activity of your node and those of other node runners. This figure will get more and more accurate the closer we are to the end of the reward period.

At the bottom of the page, you can see some stats about the overall network health, including the number of peers, recent availability, and more. You can also check data from previous months.

The lower graph shows detailed availability statistics for the previous week, with different colours representing nodes with different levels of uptime. You can mouseover the graphs to get time-specific data, and download all the data for further analysis.

You’ll also find a link to our new troubleshooting wizard. If you’re having issues with your node, please follow the wizard as your first port of call. If ​​this doesn’t resolve the problem, reach out to our ambassadors.

Staking Season Dashboard

Like every staking season, Season 6 has its own Dune Dashboard which shows information about the current season, including number of participants, total staked, projected future rewards and more.

You can also see information about individual staking addresses, and filter by parameters such as total boost APR, number of NFTs staked and more.

At the bottom you’ll see various visualizations of the program as a whole, including staking and reward distribution (current and projected).

Network Dashboard

To supplement the information available on, in February we’ll be building a whole new Dune Dashboard to display information about various network metrics, including payment channel information, ticket redemption, and more.

In addition to providing us with important information about network growth, stability and connectivity, we’ll be using these queries to power some of our new network rewards.

We currently have some queries already coded, such as this one which displays staking information associated with each registered Network Registry NFT.

And this one which shows the same information but for network peerID. As HOPR moves closer and closer to its final form, many of these links will be severed, but for now this data gives us valuable pseudonymous information for testing the network.

Once the network dashboard is live, we’ll have our best ever overview of the HOPR network and its ability to transport data. It will also give you new insights into your node, which will help you optimize the rewards you earn and help us out if we need to troubleshoot any issues.

If you’d like to learn more about the staking season, network rewards and our upcoming plans, we’ll be hosting a Twitter Space on February 1st at 6pm CET.

Sebastian Bürgel,
HOPR Founder

