Testnet Part 3: Verifying your Node(s) to Claim NFTs

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel
Published in
5 min readSep 3, 2021

The Wildhorn Testnet on Polygon Network has ended! As of 2pm CET, the RPC endpoint has been shut off, so it’s no longer possible to perform on-chain actions to earn points. Thanks to everyone who participated. We had an amazing number of nodes running simultaneously, with peer lists regularly showing more than 2500 connected peers. We gathered a huge amount of data which will be invaluable for our core dev team. You can check out some of that data on our dedicated testnet page on Dune Analytics.

If you ran nodes in our testnet, you’re eligible to claim at least a Bronze HOPR Boost NFT, and maybe a higher rank depending on your activity over the week of the testnet. To calculate your final score, you’ll need to verify all the nodes you ran before 2pm CET on Wednesday 8th September. You can begin verifying your nodes now, although score data will not begin to be displayed until Monday.

Verifying Your Nodes

Wildhorn is the first HOPR testnet where participants were allowed to run multiple nodes. Because HOPR is a privacy network, it’s impossible for us to tell when multiple nodes are controlled by the same user. Therefore, to let us calculate your final score and determine which NFT you’re eligible to claim, you’ll need to use the sign function in your node(s) to verify the testnet nodes your ran and link their addresses to the IDX profile you created via the dashboard at network.hoprnet.org.

In the dashboard, connect to IDX and then scroll down until you see the “Verify HOPR node” section:

IMPORTANT: Before you proceed, make sure you’ve decided which xDAI address you would like to receive your NFT to. If you’re staking in the HOPR staking program, it’s likely you’ll want to use this address, but you can choose whatever address you want. Once you verify a HOPR node and link it to an address, you will not be able to change it!

Open the HOPR node you’d like to verify.

IMPORTANT: Don’t worry if you can’t access your node right now. We’ll be restoring access to all nodes from Monday at 2pm CET.

Once your HOPR node is open, type:

sign [address]

Where [address] is your chosen address to aggregate your score and receive your NFT.

Your node will then display an output message, like this one:

Copy the signed message and return to the network dashboard.

Now you need to paste the full signed message into the message field, and the address of your HOPR node into the address field. Remember, your node’s HOPR address begins 16Uiu2HA…

If you need to find your node address, type “address” into the command line of your node interface.

Press the “Verify your node for rewards” button. A popup will appear, asking you to sign with your connected wallet.

Press SIGN. If you’ve followed the instructions correctly, you’ll receive a confirmation message from the Ceramic network. Congratulations! Your node has been verified and its score will be linked to your address in our leaderboard.

You can now register more nodes by repeating the steps above. You have until Wednesday 8th September at 2pm CET to finish verifying your nodes.

Wildhorn Testnet Data

If you’d like to see some of the data we gathered from the testnet, you can see it in our Dune Analytics panel. Apologies that the network data wasn’t live during the testnet itself: the original plan was to link the dashboard to Subgraph, but Dune proved easier to implement. You can input addresses into the various fields on the analytics panel to see data for specific addresses. In addition to being used to analyse the performance of the HOPR protocol, this data will be used to generate the final leaderboard for the testnet once verification closes and we know which node scores to aggregate together.


Anyone who verifies at least one node address which performed at least one on-chain action will be able to claim a bronze NFT. Higher ranks will be awarded based on your position in the final leaderboard. For this first testnet, we’re sticking with a very simple distribution: you’ll earn a Diamond NFT if your node activity placed you in the top 25% of the leaderboard, Gold if you placed in the top 25–50%, Silver if you placed in the top 50%-75% and Bronze for everyone else.

You won’t need to do anything special to claim your NFTs: they’ll be airdropped to all participating addresses a few days after the leaderboard is finalized.

Next Testnet

This testnet was a huge success, but we’re not stopping yet. We’ll be using the data we gathered to make some adjustments to the protocol and then launching another testnet very soon. Look out for our next testnet around the end of September, with new NFTs to earn.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Sebastian Bürgel,
HOPR Co-Founder

Website: https://www.hoprnet.org
Testnet: https://network.hoprnet.org
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