Upcoming NFTs and 250,000 $HOPR Treasure Hunt

Rik Krieger, Serial Entrepreneur
Published in
6 min readAug 13, 2021

With over 10m HOPR staked and growing, the HOPR staking program is off to a great start. If you haven’t started staking yet, you can learn more in our article here and then begin earning HOPR tokens at stake.hoprnet.org.

But that’s just the beginning. Over the next six months, you’ll be able to earn a variety of NFTs to boost your staking APR from the base of 18.25% to… well the sky’s the limit!

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the NFTs you’ll be able to earn, starting with our first testnet later in August and the launch of our treasure hunt, which also has an additional prize pool of 250,000 HOPR tokens!

NFT descriptions, images and precise boost amounts will be updated in this article as each promotion is launched.

Tester (Four Ranks, Low to High Boost, Multiple Versions Depending on Testnet)

Earn Tester NFTs by participating in HOPR monthly testing events

The main goal of the staking program is to harness the power of the HOPR community to test the HOPR protocol, particularly the cover traffic mechanism which will provide both user privacy and staking rewards once this current staking program is over. So it’s no surprise that the most important and valuable NFTs are linked to the upcoming testnets.

The precise mechanics will vary for each testnet, depending on what the tech team wants to focus on, but in general the procedure will be the same: you’ll use the new “sign” function in your HOPR node to link your testnet node to your staking address, then earn increasingly valuable NFTs as you participate. Most testnets will run for around a week, and the tokens they use will be valueless testnet tokens to ensure a level playing field.

The Bronze NFT will be issued automatically as soon as you meet the participation threshold, while higher ranking NFTs will be issued after the testnet ends based on chain analytics. More information will be released in our upcoming community call and dedicated testnet article, both coming next week. (You can redeem the Bronze NFT for the boost immediately and then redeem a higher ranked one later when you earn it — the staking contract automatically replaces lower ranked NFTs with higher ones.)

Each testnet will have its own set of NFTs, so you can earn a boost from each one you participate in. There may also be a special NFT for anyone who consistently participates across the testnet program. We expect testnets to run roughly once a month.

Bounty Hunter (Four ranks, medium to high boost, bounty-dependent)

HOPR has always used bounties to supplement the development work of the main team, from data analytics to building apps to support the network. This is a crucial part of the project and a great way to engage people with our protocol, and we wanted to create a special NFT to reward these bounty hunters, who often toil behind the scenes unnoticed.

These NFTs WILL NOT replace the main token rewards offered for bounties — they’re just an additional reward for participants, and also a way to offer extra rewards to people who contribute to our bounty program but for whatever reason can’t claim the full prize.

Puzzler (Two Ranks, Low to Medium Boost, Running throughout Staking Program)

Last year, HOPR became known for its gamified testnets, and we had massive participation in the games and puzzles which ran during our launch in February (congratulations again to our top winner, who enjoyed their grand prize of a trip for two to Switzerland last week!)

We want to continue this theme, but the latest series of testnets is more focused on technical tasks, so we’ll be separating out the games and puzzles for a while. But rest assured, as the testing continues we plan to add tasks and games back to the testnets.

Starting in mid-August, every week we’ll be releasing at least one puzzle. The first person to solve it will receive the Gold Puzzler NFT, while the next nine correct solutions will receive the Bronze NFT. To prevent the same people from winning each week, the NFTs are all the same type, so you can only redeem one.

That doesn’t mean that you should stop playing after you earn a Puzzler NFT though. Hidden amongst the puzzles is a larger prize…

The Treasure (Unique NFT, 100% Boost, plus 250,000 HOPR prize pool)

To claim the treasure, all you have to do is get access to the wallet that holds it. You can then claim this unique NFT with its whopping 100% APR boost! If that’s not enough, the treasure hunt has a 250,000 HOPR token prize pool associated with it, so it’s not only whales who can benefit from the boost. Of course, the longer it takes to claim the treasure, the less time there is to redeem it and earn staking rewards, so you need to work fast!

The way to access wallet holding The Treasure will be hidden in the weekly HOPR puzzles. Work together to decipher the clues, but remember only one person can emerge victorious!

DAO Master (Four Ranks, Low to High Boost, New NFTs for each DAO experiment)

Our next DAO governance experiment will be running in September, with an updated and more automated proposal-making mechanism based on our experience from the first round. Since the vast majority of DAO participants are already HOPR token holders, it’s a perfect fit to issue an NFT to reward participation.

As in the previous experiment, rewards will increase based on value and amount of contribution throughout the proposal and discussion process. The topic and changes for the next DAO experiment will be announced in early September.

HODLER (Four ranks, 2.5% — 10% Boost)

The HOPR HODLER NFTs were issued in July to all HOPR holders. The NFT rank was based on how long the address had held HOPR tokens, with no penalty for actions which supported the token, such as using the bridge or harvesting in the HOPR Farm.

Many More to Come…

And that’s just a small sample of the NFTs in the pipeline. By the end of the program, it will be possible to redeem over 30 NFTs to a single address, each providing an additional boost to your APR.

We’ll be updating this article with more images and details as each NFT is released, so keep checking back!

Rik Krieger,

HOPR Co-Founder

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Rik Krieger, Serial Entrepreneur
Editor for

Rik Krieger holds an Executive MBA from the University of Zurich and has extensive experience in Brand, HR, Operations & Business Development