Wildhorn v2 Testnet Results

Dr. Sebastian Bürgel
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2021

The Wildhorn v2 Testnet on xDai Chain has ended! As of 2pm CET, any withdrawals to a wallet address will not be counted to your final score. Thanks to everyone who participated. This time, we counted a total of 886 accounts who interacted with the HOPR channels. We were able to gain important information on our protocol, which our dev team will now be able to build upon. You can check out some data for yourself on our dedicated testnet page on Dune Analytics.

If you ran a node on Wildhorn v2, you’ll receive at least a Bronze HOPR NFT to boost the staking APR, and maybe a higher rank depending on your activity over the week of the testnet. The distribution of these NFTs will take place over the next week to the wallet you last withdrew any amount of txHOPR or xDai to.


In the beginning of the testnet, we had a problem that caused newly funded nodes to randomly exit. But with the help of our ambassadors and our community, we were able to fix the problem right away. Building such a complex software isn’t easy and this particular issue was not something that our engineering team was able to discover in small team testing sessions ahead of the release, again highlighting the importance of testnets that we run with many hundred nodes concurrently online. The immediate exchange of information via our telegram channel has helped us greatly to also refine the workflow of such hotfixes to ensure a smooth running of the protocol.

More different functions

It also has been valuable for us to see people trying different functions with their nodes. While in the first Wildhorn testnet, the most used function was to open channels to another HOPR node, in Wildhorn v2 it was more balanced between the opening, sending messages, redeeming tickets and others.

This also gave us the opportunity to internally test a more sophisticated way of recording relevant participation and try out a different score which we will use for cover traffic in the future. While the rewards in this testnet are calculated by the amount of function calls only, we plan to reward node operators for maintaining meaningful channels which increase the overall utility of the HOPR network to relay data packets privately. This will also help to prevent sibling issues, which is a known limitation of the current system. More details on this importance score will be published in a future HOPR Basics episode.

If you’d like to see some of the data we gathered from the testnet, you can see it in our Dune Analytics panel. You’ll be able to search for your addresses and their performance on the leaderboard. (Don’t forget to exchange the “0” in the beginning of your address for a “\”).

Leaderboard & NFTs

Your final score of the Wildhorn v2 testnet will be linked to the wallet address to which you last withdrew txHOPR or xDAI to. If you ran multiple nodes and withdrew to one address, the scores will be added to one another.

Image snippet from our latest tester NFTs

Anyone who verified at least one node address which performed at least one on-chain action will be able to claim a bronze NFT. Higher ranks will be awarded based on the position in the final leaderboard. For this testnet, we’re sticking with the same distribution as last time:

  • You’ll earn a Diamond NFT if your node activity placed you in the top 25% of the leaderboard
  • Gold if you placed in the top 25–50%
  • Silver if you placed in the top 50% — 75% and
  • Bronze for everyone else

You won’t need to do anything special to claim your NFTs: they’ll be airdropped to all participating addresses a few days after the leaderboard is finalized.


Next Testnet

This testnet was another huge success — we were able to gain important new insights and will be fixing minor bugs in the protocol. Our testnets will also become more frequent, as we’re refining existing and implementing new features that need to be tested. You can expect the next one coming in a few weeks.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Sebastian Bürgel,

HOPR Founder

Website: https://www.hoprnet.org
Testnet: https://network.hoprnet.org
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Discord: https://discord.gg/dEAWC4G
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hoprnet
Forum: https://forum.hoprnet.org
Github: https://github.com/hoprnet

