Only In Vegas

Derek Boggs
HopRocket Travel
Published in
8 min readOct 27, 2016

There are a few places in the world that are unlike anywhere else. Vegas is one of those places.

Whether you love Vegas or hate it, you can’t argue with the fact that it is unforgettable when you visit. Taking a Vegas vacation is one of those life experiences that cannot be described, so it requires that you experience it for yourself.

Even though I can’t do it justice, I will attempt to give you a taste of what Vegas is all about from my personal experiences. What you are about to read took place in the span of one night and will include extreme couponing, to a 7-foot man in a goat costume, and everything in between.

Without further ado, here is my story of a night that could only take place in Las Vegas.

When one is in Las Vegas, the hardest thing to do is to decide what to do. Not because there is nothing to do, in fact it is the opposite. There is a plethora of things to do in Vegas that it can make choosing what to do almost impossible.

There are countless concerts with world famous headliners like Britney Spears, Elton John, and Celine Dion to name a few. If you are looking for thrilling acrobatics you can go to one of the many Cirque du Soleil shows that will leave you in awe. Or you can hit any of the countless casinos to get your adrenaline pumping as you gamble against the odds playing blackjack, craps, and the slots.

My point is, there is no bad decision to be made in Vegas when you are deciding what to do (depending on your definition of bad), because no matter what you do you will have a night to remember.

I am a frugal person to put it lightly, some might call it cheap, but I like to stretch my dollar as far as possible. Because there are so many things to see and places to go in Vegas, there are also deals and coupons in the hundreds as everyone is competing to get people in the door.

Make sure to keep your eyes open for coupons and amazing deals to help you stretch your dollar in Vegas.

Click here to save up to 50% off your hotel.

As my night in Vegas kicked off, my friends and I went to the restaurant in our Hotel to start the night with some food and drinks to nourish our bodies for the long night ahead of us.

The reason we decided to go to the restaurant in our hotel was because when we checked in we were given coupons to get our food and drinks for half the price as a hotel guest.

For a frugal guy like me it was like getting a golden ticket to the Willy Wonka Factory!

As we arrived to the restaurant doors we were met by a hostess and bouncers who said we were going to half to wait to be seated. As soon as we made it clear that we had the coupon, it was like we were put on an imaginary VIP list.

On top of getting our food and drinks for half the price, they apologized and took us to our table with no wait. Apparently they take their coupons very seriously in Vegas.

As the night started, our bellies were full and so was our confidence for the night to be one to remember. We requested an Uber and set forth on our short drive to Fremont Street.

Uber as the only way to get around Vegas. The Las Vegas Strip and surrounding area is surprisingly quite large and difficult to travel by foot. There are so many people walking at almost all times of the day and night, that walking very far will make you sympathetic to a salmon swimming upstream.

Download Uber and request a driver to your location at a touch of a button. An Uber ride is much cheaper than a taxi and leads to great conversation with a local driver for Vegas tips. Plus, if you’re lucky like us your Uber ride will lead to a backseat dance party.

We arrived to Fremont Street with some time to kill before our night’s main event, Hypnosis Unleashed starring Kevin Lepine.

As we waited in the casino sipping on some drinks before the show started, we saw a man that looked very familiar. He was up at the box office and we couldn’t figure out why this man none of us knew seemed like a long lost friend.

As he started to walk away from the box office he walked right in front of the sign that was Advertising the hypnosis show we were about to see.

At this very moment my friend called out to this man of mystery, “KEVIN!?”

To our amazement it was the star of the show himself, Kevin Lepine! He graciously talked with us and answered all of our questions about Hypnosis. We were all novices and skeptical to be honest, but after talking with him for a few minutes we were convinced that we had to try it out for ourselves.

We asked if he would hypnotize us. He said as long as we volunteered, he would take care of the rest.

The time had come for the show to begin and we all volunteered not knowing what to expect. We were all excited and nervous. Twelve of us sat up on the stage as Kevin and his assistant pulled us from the crowd.

As the show progressed they pulled most of us off the stage to focus specifically on a few people, including a couple of my friends.

What proceeded to happen goes down as one of the most shocking and hysterical things I have ever witnessed. Most of the things that happened on stage, by Vegas code, should stay in Vegas.

Kevin had my friends so Hypnotized that I saw them do things that they normally would have never done. They started cuddling with the strangers next to them, diving on the floor to pick up napkins as if they were $100 bills, and one of my friends even sang and danced to Toxic by Britney Spears as if he were the pop star himself.

Everyone in the audience was roaring with laughter as they saw their friends and loved ones completely under Kevin’s control. I am forever a believer in hypnosis and recommend that when you are in Vegas you go see Hypnosis Unleashed starring Kevin Lepine.

If anything you can buy the DVD of the show so you have blackmail on your friends and family for future needs.

By this point, the night had been a total success and one to remember… but we weren’t even close to being done.

After leaving the show we went and grabbed some delicious food at the Pizza Rock. If you are looking for some world class pizza, I definitely recommend this spot right off of Fremont Street. With our bellies once again full, we set off to walk down Fremont Street once more before heading back to our hotel to call it a night.

As we rounded the corner to get back on Fremont we were welcomed by a live band and thousands of people walking up and down the street!

The party was just beginning. We jumped into the hoard of people and started jamming along with the live band. As we were feeling the vibes of the atmosphere we saw a circle that had formed in the distance around one single figure dancing. As we broke through the crowd and got to the circle's edge we couldn’t believe our eyes.

There dancing in the middle of this circle was a giant 7-foot man in makeup, who was dressed like a goat. Only in Vegas.

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, but this video is priceless. This dancing man in a goat costume was the beginning to our walk down Fremont. Needless to say, it would be hard to beat that.

After dancing with the goat man for a while we walked down the street and stopped by a group of street drummers.

Being the kids that we are, we had to stop and dance to the beats, and as we danced a crowd started to form around the drummers. This led to a dance battle that rivaled stomp the yard. These little high school kids then proceeded to steal the show and breakdance like pro’s.

Needless to say, we lost that dance battle.

We kept wandering down the street and came across another crowd that was around a kid that couldn’t have been older than 13 years old. As he put the mic that he was holding up to his mouth we had no idea what to expect. What followed was the roasting of every single person that was standing in the circle.

This kid was an amazing freestyle rapper and we knew he was freestyling because his material came from all of the people like ourselves surrounding him. He made the crowd tense with anticipation, as everyone hoped he wouldn’t start roasting them next, but it was so entertaining that no one wanted to leave.

Eventually we had to continue down the road and after people watching some more, it was time to call it a night and call for an Uber.

We went back to our hotel that night with heavy eyes and sore feet, but it was worth it. As we packed up and headed home the next day we left Las Vegas with some stories to last us a lifetime.

We came to Las Vegas with high expectations and no one left disappointed. The best part is that no matter what we did during our time there, it was destined to be something that could only happen in Vegas.

Whether you love Vegas or hate it, you can’t argue with the fact that it is unforgettable when you visit.

If you’ve never been I suggest you start planning a trip with your friends right now. Taking a Vegas vacation is one of those life experiences that cannot be describe, so it requires that you experience it for yourself.

Click here to save up to 50% off your hotel



Derek Boggs
HopRocket Travel

Soccer playin, movie watchin, friend pleasin, fashion wearin, world explorin, art lookin, Taelor lovin, type of dude.