Siri… Find Hotels Near Me

Derek Boggs
HopRocket Travel
Published in
6 min readMar 24, 2016

We understand that seeing the wonders of the world is on most, if not everyone’s bucket list. We also understand that you don’t want to sacrifice a comfortable stay with all the amenities you love while you are trekking around the world. It’s okay to admit that the minibar and jacuzzi tub are as important to your travel experience as visiting the Roman Colosseum that was built 2000 years ago. We won’t judge.

Save yourself a headache and don’t ask Siri, “Find Hotels near me” and have it respond with, “I’m sorry, I can’t find results for ‘coat tails fear tea.’” Here is the list of the best hotels near the New Wonders of The World.

Rome Colosseum, Italy
  1. Rome Colosseum and Hotel Rex

Europe’s most enduring icon is undoubtedly The Colosseum of Rome. It was built roughly 2000 years ago and showcased some of the most mind-boggling and gruesome forms of ‘sport’ the world has ever seen. It was used for over 500 years during and could seat nearly 50,000 spectators. I can only imagine the line in the men’s room in between fights to the death. Tales of Gladiators against man and beast have been passed down through generations and made into classic blockbusters.

The Hotel Rex is in Rome, Italy and located 0.2 miles away from the Colosseum. It is a 5-star hotel that has a retail cost of $130/night. We were able to find it the cheapest on HopRocket for $87/night. Search for hotels near The Colosseum at

El-Deir Petra Monastery, Jordan

2. El-Deir Petra Monastery and the Petra Marriot Hotel

As seen in Indiana Jones and the Raiders Of The Lost Ark, the El-Deir Petra Monastery (Yes it does exist, can’t confirm the Holy Grail is there) is located in the Jordan River Valley. Petra consists of many structures carved into stone, but the El-Deir Monastery is where it earns its fame. It was built in the first century and is a very popular tourist destination. Will see if it will be featured in the new Indiana Jones and the Search for My Lost Walker.

The Petra Marriot Hotel is a 5-star hotel located 1.3 miles away from the Petra Monastery and is usually $75/night. We were able to find it the cheapest on HopRocket for $59/night. Search for hotels near the Petra Monastery at

Great Wall of China, China

3. The Great Wall of China and Sunrise Kempinski Hotel

It is hard to grow up and not fantasize about walking along the Great Wall of China. I mean c’mon, you can see if from Space! The Great Wall of China is not just one singular wall; it is actually a multitude of walls that span approximately 4,000 miles. It is amazing what lengths people will go in order to avoid their neighbors. The Great Wall is at the top of the list as the world’s longest manmade structures.

The Sunrise Kempinski Hotel is just outside of Beijing and located 30 miles away from the Great Wall of China. It is a 5-star hotel that has a retail cost of $206/night. We were able to find it the cheapest on HopRocket for $145/night. Search for Hotels near the Great Wall of China

Taj Mahal, India

4. Taj Mahal and Hotel Clarks Shiraz

Commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, this ivory white marble mausoleum is the tomb of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. So all other men in this world can thank emperor Jahan for making us all look bad when we get our wife flowers. It is located on the south bank of the Yamuna River in the Indian city of Agra.

The Hotel Clarks Shiraz is in the city of Agra, India and located 1.4 miles away from the Taj Mahal. It is a 4-star hotel that has a retail cost of $45/night, but HopRocket has the lowest rate online for 34/night. Search for hotels near the Taj Mahal at

Chichén Itzá, Mexico

5. Chichén Itzá and Inter Continental Presidente Cancun Resort

Many of these world wonders are tied to a rich and genius culture, and the Mayans definitely fall into that category. The ruins of Chichén Itzá are located on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, and demonstrate the sophistication of the Mayans. The most familiar ruin at the site is El Caracol, which was used as an astronomical observatory. The Chichén saw many human sacrifices back in its prime, and this part of the reason why pretty much everyone feared the Mayan people. I think I would walk the long way home as well.

The InterContinental Presidente Cancun Resort is located 215 miles away from Chichén Itzá in the city of Cancun, Mexico. It is usually $279/night. There are hotel near the wonder that don’t require a day trip, but it also allows you to enjoy the beautiful beaches of Cancun. We were able to find it the cheapest on HopRocket for $161/night. Search for hotels near Chichén Itzá at

Christ of Redeemer, Brazil

6. Christ of Redeemer and the Windsor Barra Hotel

This depiction of Jesus Christ is an Art Deco statue that rises 125 feet on the top of the Corcovado Mountain and casts its shadow over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is a 2.5 hour-long hike through the Atlantic Rainforest. So absorb the pristine beauty of Rio de Janeiro, but make sure you don’t wear a sweat absorbent shirt. You will no doubt see it during the coverage of the upcoming Olympic games in Brazil.

The Windsor Barra Hotel in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and is located 4.1 miles away from Christ of Redeemer. It is a 5 star hotel that has a retail cost of $137/night, but HopRocket has the lowest rate online at $101/night. Search for Hotels near the Christ of Redeemer at

Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

7. Pyramid of Giza and the Pyramids Park Resort

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids, and it is the oldest wonder on our list as it was constructed in 2560 B.C. It was built in a measly 20 years, leaving me personally flabbergasted! My parents have VW bug that has been worked on for 20 years and it still doesn’t work. It was built for Khufu, Sneferu’s successor and the second of the eight kings of the fourth dynasty, just so you know

The Pyramids Park Resort in the city of Giza, Egypt and is located 2.1 miles away from The Great Pyramid at Giza. It is a 5-star resort that has a retail cost of $30/night, but HopRocket has the lowest rate online at $21/night. Search for hotels near the Pyramid of Giza at



Derek Boggs
HopRocket Travel

Soccer playin, movie watchin, friend pleasin, fashion wearin, world explorin, art lookin, Taelor lovin, type of dude.