Weekly Inquiry Questions

Week 4 Module

Horace Hall
Horace Hall SOWK 445
2 min readJan 31, 2014


#1. What do you think? I am getting a greater understanding as to why social workers have to do more than work with clients, but also have to evaluate the policy that supports the program that are managed by the agency.

#2. Why do you think that? During the process of completing this week’s course work I came to the realization that the legislatures oftentimes make generalized statements in the policy legislation. With this being done, an opportunity is presented for an advocate to seek amendment in specific areas as it relates to certain programs.

#3. How do you know this? My policy topic, “The Older Americans Act Nutrition Program” is amended every four years. This goes to show that as things changes, and issues develop, modifications has to be made to facilitate such changes. Case in point; the cost of food has continued to escalate, therefore the means test, and eligibility requirement have to be modified or amended. If not, individuals who had previously met the requirement would no longer be able to benefit from the programs.

#4. Can you tell me more? To oversee the program at the federal level, the Act established the Administration on Aging in 1972. Also in 1972, a major service component, the National Nutrition Program for the elderly was added. Two decades later the Act placed increased focus on caregivers, intergenerational programs, and protection of elder rights. This is proof that the policy has been amended to incorporate more than just nutritional programs.

#5. What questions do you still have? If the programs are meeting their objectives, and has causes Congress to reauthorized the act in its entirety, effective through fiscal year 2011. Why in 2013 the conservative Republicans are seeking to cut funding to a program that can be justified through the needs that are been met from the services provided to those individuals from the “baby boom era” that have now become the elderly in our nation?




Horace Hall
Horace Hall SOWK 445

Hails from Miami Florida, student at Tuskegee University, Alabama.