Hord Roadmap 2021

Explore what Hord will offer this year

Bart Rovers
Hord App
4 min readMay 7, 2021


Now that the HORD Token launch is behind us, it is time to share our plans for 2021 and our overall vision for the platform. This roadmap outlines a forecast of product deliverables and token utilities that will be delivered. This is a nimble development and will adjust or expand per dynamic shifts in the market.

We are keeping engaged with our community and champions at every step, taking input towards executing our grand vision. We are welcoming feedback regarding features that we may have missed, additional interesting features, and frankly, whatever is on your mind about Hord.

TLDR: 2021 will be remarkable for Hord and DeFi!

Q1 21 : Foundation

In the first quarter of 2021 the concept was thought out and the core team was formed. We realised that there are a number of problems with existing ETF Platforms in crypto and decided to revolutionize the space with Hord. Minimum Viable Product was documented on docs.hord.app and the infrastructure for the contracts was laid out.

Q2 21 : Formation

In the beginning of this quarter we finished the HORD Token sale and secured $2M in funding for project development. The HORD Token was listed on three exchanges and Uniswap at the same time with great success and we launched HORD LP Staking Farm. A number of Genesis Champions have been announced with many more to come.

The next step will be the Champion NFT Tickets, going live before the end of the month. We are also continuing work on the HORD V1 full design and technical specification.

End of quarter goals:

  • Total of 4 CEX and 3 DEX Listings
  • 50 Champions
  • $5M liquidity on DEX‌

‌Q3 21 : Lift Off

In the beginning of Q3, Hord App V1 will be launched, with broad ERC20 Token support for every token with liquidity, later that quarter the Hord Orderbook DEX will launch for hPool tokens on Layer 2 of Ethereum. V1 will feature both actively managed Champion hPools as well as static ETFs like the DeFi Pulse Index.

Trading on the Hord Orderbook DEX will be the main driver of profitability for the protocol and for $HORD Token; burning $HORD with every transaction. It will be possible for new Champions to rise up and for users of the platform to explore hPools to pick and choose. More wallets will be supported along the way and the full design and technical specifications for V2 will be finalized.

End of quarter goals:

  • 100 Champions
  • 100 hPools
  • $10M TVL

Q4 21: The next frontier

In Q4 we want to launch Hord App V2 featuring automatic analysis of a Champion’s on-chain performance when they sign up, manual fees to be set by Champions and multiple hPools per Champion. V2 will also enable hPools with cross-chain underlying assets, so champions can include tokens native to other chains like DOT and ADA. In addition to Champion and static ETFs we will also include a third version which is a DAO-based hPool. DAO-based hPools are being managed by their holders as a DAO. We’ll also improve the project based on feedback from Champions and the community.

End of year goals

  • 200 champions
  • 200 hPools
  • $30M TVL

Hord has a big vision, and even bigger plans

We will continue sharing updates on our progress, and seek feedback and community engagement for our mission.

We would like to thank our community for the interest and support thus far, and we will continue working harder than ever to maintain it.

Keep up with Hord

Website: Hord.App
Twitter: twitter.com/HordApp
Telegram: t.me/hord_app
Announcements: t.me/hordnews
Github: github.com/hord

The most powerful and fully decentralized social trading platform. Hord paves the way for the democratization of Assets Under Management and accelerates the move to DeFi from traditional finance.

