HORDE Continues Its March Towards DeFi Domination, Introduces TBAAS NFTs.

Anthony Collazo
Published in
10 min readSep 22, 2022

A note before you start. This article covers quite a bit of information, below there is a table of contents that will take you to different parts of the article. It is suggested that one read through the article in its entirety and use the links to refer to specific parts of the article if you need more info or clarity on a specific topic.


Introduction to TBaaS NFTS

How TBaas NFTS Will Work

Rewards Pool and Payouts

Cross Chain Launch

Premint for Current NFT Scene Holders

At this point, if you have been following HORDE (if not check out the other Medium articles) it should come as no surprise that the team has another innovation/income stream coming. First of all, because that is just what they do. Make HORDE better. Secondly, they have been teasing it for a good month or so.

HORDE launched on March 22nd and has consistently delivered for its holders and community. HORDE is a DeFi protocol that offers Plot owners a 1% reward daily on the amount spent on Plots. HORDE tokens are exchanged for different Plots that produce 1% rewards for a specific amount of time ranging from 200 days to 333 days. There are also NFT scenes that can be purchased to boost Plot rewards, and LP staking offering an APR of +15%. And HORDE’s crowning achievement, la pièce de résistance, its magnum opus, is the LIQUIDITY MANAGER. The Liquidity Manager is a revolutionary smart contract that keeps the HORDE token currently between $99-$112. The LM works so well that it is now licensed to other DeFi projects as LMS (Liquidity Manager Service). This is a way to keep HORDE sustainable long term as this brings in funds from outside the project consistently.

The next evolution at HORDE: Zombie TBaaS NFTs!

Now that we got that recap out the way let’s get into why you are all here Zombie Trading Bot NFTs!

BUT BEFORE WE GET INTO TBAAS NFTs…some exciting Trading Bot news.

Trust me you want to read this! HORDE has expanded its development team to include experts in Solidity (smart contract programming), as well as experts in user interface and experience, back-end programming, and new team members with experience in building complex Wall Street Hedge Fund trading algorithms. The aim for the team at HORDE is clear: to continue to provide innovative and trend-setting tools for the crypto space. As part of that mission, the team has some exciting news: The trading bot that HORDE uses for part of its treasury investments is going to be upgraded to increase transparency and provide other features as well as strategies! These upgrades include giving the bot access to different trading strategies including, but not limited to: options, futures, interest rate swaps, leveraged trading, and cross-chain arbitrage trading. Adding these options will provide as close to a delta neutral position as possible all while commanding best-in-class return on investment. As part of HORDE’s expansion towards a decentralized exchange, they are incorporating a trading bot into the upcoming DEX in order to offer participants never before seen products.

Allow me to introduce you to HORDE’s Zombie TBAAS NFTs.

After weeks of hints, teasers, leaks, and speculation the team at HORDE finally announced its next income stream Zombie Trading Bot NFTS! In just a few days, anyone will be able to mint any number of 10,000 unique HORDE Zombie-themed NFTs. As the name implies these are not just NFTs to update your Twitter profile picture with, though they will look great for that, too!

These NFTs will give holders access to the trading bot that HORDE has been using for part of its treasury investments. The trading bot used by HORDE has outperformed the market and has provided roughly 20% returns monthly. The bot is known as “Busan” in the HORDE Discord, is a private service and HORDE is under an NDA regarding the specifics of the bot so up until now there was no way for the public to invest with “Busan.” Each NFT holder will receive a percentage of the gains made from the trading bot with the money invested from Zombie Trading Bot (ZTB) NFTs.

How will it work?

Once the mint goes live the public will be able to mint an NFT for $400 BUSD, USDC, or USDT. When the user clicks “MINT” on the HORDE dApp a smart contract developed with Chainlink VRF will randomly produce a unique NFT with specific traits and rarity.

There are 6 different traits with 4 levels of rarity.

The traits are:

Head | Face | Eyes| Skins | Backgrounds | Accessories

The rarities are:

Common | Uncommon | Rare | Legendary

That means for each NFT there are 6 variables (traits) and each trait will either be Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Legendary.

These traits are extremely important as they will identify the NFT’s overall rarity and the amount of rewards it is paid each month.

So let’s get into the nitty gritty of how this will work. As we discussed, each NFT will have 6 different traits of differing rarity scores or weight if you prefer. When you combine the rarity score of all the traits you get the NFT Rarity Score.

Now, some of you may feel like this…

or like this…

But stay with me, we will get there! This is the simple part. Take a look at this table.

For instance, an NFT with a common head (1), face (0), common eyes (0), uncommon skin (1), rare background (4), and legendary accessory (9) would have a Rarity Score of 15. A full legendary NFT would have a Rarity Score of 61 (16+9+9+9+9+9). So the rarer the traits are of an NFT the higher Rarity Score it has.

We now know the traits and rarities available for the Zombie Trading Bot NFTs, so let’s talk about how the NFT Rarity Score is linked to the payout of trading bot gains. As previously discussed (like 3 sentences ago) each NFT has a Rarity Score assigned to it according to its traits and their collective rarity. To know the percentage of Trading Bot gains that will be available to claim for any given NFT, the NFT’s Rarity Score is divided by the collective Rarity Score of all NFTs minted.

Here is an example with 200 NFTs minted (just to show the math many more than 200 NFTs will be minted!)

You hold an NFT with a Rarity Score of 12 and the total of the 200 NFTs sold represent a Rarity Score of 3000. Your NFT represents 0.4% of the total 3000 Rarity Score and will have 0.4% of the rewards pool available to claim.

So far we have covered:

How the Trading Bot rewards pool will be calculated and funded.

The money from the minting of Zombie Trading Bot (ZTB) NFTs will be divided into 3 pools ranging from 25%-40% of the value spent on ZTB NFTs as well as a smaller pool representing 5%. Each of these 4 pools will have a specific purpose and they are as follows:

40% to ZTB trading funds

30% to Liquidity Manager


5% to the Charity Land of Hope (more on this charity later)

If all 10,000 ZTB NFTs are minted this represents $4,000,000 to be divided into these 4 pools. This means for a sold-out NFT collection would be roughly $1.60MM for the ZTB trading funds and $200,000 for the Charity 5% pool.

Time for some more math!

For each ZTB NFT sold 40% goes to a pool to fund the trading bot. Once a month the gains from those funds will be calculated. From the gains the funds will be broken down again into 4 more pools:

  1. 50% of the gains will be distributed to the Zombie Trading Bot Rewards Contract
  2. 25% will be compounded to the investment pool to growth rewards that are distributed, to make each of the NFTs more valuable in the future
  3. 20% will go to the HORDE Liquidity Manager
  4. 5% will go to the Horde pool for continued upkeep and marketing

Let’s go back to our example from earlier to get a hypothetical example of rewards.

You hold an NFT with a Rarity Score of 12 and the total of the 200 NFTs sold represent a Rarity Score of 3000. The total in the ZTB trading fund is $32,000 (200x400x40%) based on 200 NFTs sold. If the Bot made 20% gains that would equal $6,400 (32,000x20%). Half of that $6,400 goes into the ZTB rewards pool, $3,200. Your NFT represents 0.4% (12/3000) of the total 3000 Rarity Score and will have 0.4% of the rewards pool available to claim which is $12.80.

In contrast, an NFT with a Rarity Score of 36 would yield $38.40, and an NFT with a Rarity Score of 48 $51.20.

Remember 25% of the gains are compounded monthly meaning rewards payouts should increase over time!

You won’t need to remember all of this or break out the slide rule when you mint your NFT to figure out what the rewards percentage will be. This will all be displayed on the dApp after an NFT is minted. These percentages will fluctuate over time as more NFTs are minted. But as one can see the higher the rarity the higher the payout. Rewards will be available to claim monthly and do not expire, that is to say, you do not need to claim rewards monthly but you can. Unclaimed rewards will roll month to month and can be claimed at any time.

The ZTB NFTs will be able to mint within the next few weeks. And don’t worry it won’t be a stealth launch! There will be an abundance of announcements beforehand so everyone is ready!

HORDE’s epic Zombie TBAAS NFTs are going cross-chain!

This means you will be able to mint across six different chains: BSC, AVAX, ETH, ARB, FTM, and OP. The team at HORDE is always pushing the boundaries and wanted to do something that has never been done before. By opening up to new chains, the HORDE ecosystem will be accessible to far more daily users. HORDE is already accessible to over 1 million users on BSC, but with new cross-chain technology, HORDE will be available to a further 2.27M users across 6 different chains.

Here’s a breakdown of active users that will be able to enter the HORDE ecosystem!


People that hold HORDE NFT scenes will have a window of opportunity to mint these ZTB NFTs before anyone else. There are still some of these NFTs left so if you want early access go to the dApp and pick one up. These NFT scenes boost rewards on HORDE plots and will have utility in the upcoming HORDE P2E game!

Land of Hope

Instead of diluting a charity fund over multiple good causes, HORDE is concentrating all charity efforts from the ZTB NFTs collection to a single project where it is truly believed the money can make a huge difference.

The 5% (200,000 BUSD) total from a sold-out collection, will go to “Land Of Hope”, an amazing NGO that could benefit from the support. The funds will be delivered in the form most suited to the project. HORDE team members or representatives will go to Nigeria to document the journey using separate funds paid for completely by the Horde Team.

This is a project that aims to save children in unimaginable situations.

Check out what they are doing to make the world a better place!

Website: https://landofhope.global/en

Instagram: https://instagram.com/landofhope?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

The HORDE team is committed to making the best DeFi project out there by constantly working, innovating, and fulfilling their promises. With the Trading Bot NFTs, there is not only the opportunity to make the HORDE protocol better but also the world. Every little bit helps and Land of Hope is doing amazing work to help those that are the most vulnerable.

Join the HORDE Discord Server!

For more info check out the Website, Discord, and follow HORDE on Twitter!

The information here is intended to be general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. It does not take into account your personal objectives or financial situations.

