Bridging the Political Divide via Hospitality Exchange

Drew Meyers
Empathy Engine
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017
Via Maura McDonald

It’s no secret America is more divided than ever.

There are articles written about the topic on a daily basis. Time’s most recent poll says 59% of people think Trump is encouraging division.

The Evergrey asks “We need to continue talking with people who disagree with us. So where do we go from here?

How do we bridge the gap?

We can read books such as Hillbilly Elegy. We can watch documentaries. We can bitch and moan on social media (this post would literally take millions of minutes to read if I linked to every example of this).

Im sorry to break it to you, but none of that makes a difference in terms of the two sides of the aisle truly understanding the others’ perspective. When I say the two sides of the aisle, I don’t mean politicians in Washington DC. I mean the millions and millions of Americans all over the country.

What is a real solution?

Hospitality exchange across political lines

Republicans staying with Democrats, and vice versa.

In person interactions between people with different perspectives is the only way to truly understand and learn — and become less divided as a country.


Horizon facilitates home sharing within communities — staying with people while traveling is a great way to build strong community; you learn more staying 1 night with someone at their home than you do in 10 coffee meetings. Short of actually “sleeping” with someone, there is no quicker way to build strong relationships. We facilitate hospitality exchange among communities such as Start-Up Chile, Peace Corps, StartingBloc, and Impact Hub.

Since we began, we’ve heard one idea surface repeatedly society would benefit from.

Hospitality exchange “across political lines”. Republicans and Democrats staying with each other to lessen the political divide.

A few links to get you thinking:

  1. An article in the Des Moines Register titled “Can couchsurfing really help bring the world together?” from 2016.
  2. While it’s not “hospitality exchange” and it doesn’t look like it’s actively being worked on anymore, Get Verona had the goal of connecting republicans and democrats (among other diverse individuals).
  3. The Evergrey: Seattleites took a 10-hour road trip to cross a political divide. Here’s what happened.
  4. Between Americans (learnings here)

Do you believe hospitality exchange with those on the other side of the aisle would benefit society? If so…

Join the Group HERE. (unlock code is “republicandemocrat”)

Your Support Needed

A community is only as useful as the people who utilize it. We’ve removed the technology hurdle. Now, a Republicans-Democrats hospitality exchange needs a group of committed individuals who aspire to build a community of those interested in truly understanding the other side of the aisle — and interested in experiencing the best and most cost effective way to explore the world (staying with locals) in the process.

Ask #1: Any designers want to help bring the group to life with a cool name & cover image?

Offer #1: links back to your portfolio, inclusion in any marketing materials created related to the groups, and immense gratitude.

Ask #2: Any individuals who believe strongly the community should exist, please send me an email stating your interest in helping promote the group & I can make you an admin.

Offer #2: Immense gratitude & knowing the world is becoming less divided one home stay at a time.

Ask #3: We need your financial help to continue improving Horizon’s product & unlock travel opportunities to grow the community of global citizens.

$2 per month is all we ask.

Join us by clicking below…

Support Horizon on Patreon.



Drew Meyers
Empathy Engine

Real Estate Enthusiast, Blogger, Social Entrepreneurship. @Zillow Alum. Co-Founder - @gethorizonapp, Founder @geekestate.