AI vs. Human: Navigating the drawbacks and advantages of AI vs. humans

Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2024
By Author from Copilot

In today’s world, where AI covers a large portion of information and its use is growing by the day, it is appropriate to compare information obtained from AI and humans, as well as discuss the benefits and drawbacks.

Because artificial intelligence (AI) obtains all of its information by extracting data previously recorded by humans, pre-programmed positive and negative algorithms are used to analyze the data. It is impossible to predict that AI will be a good substitute for human problem-solving since, as time goes on, we will encounter new issues that require human intervention and for which AI is unable or unwilling to develop new solutions.

Another thing to point out is that the soulful feelings and attachments to AI and human content are different for many readers. That is, the warmth that should reach the reader through reading cannot be felt in many AI materials. Additionally, I’ve seen on Medium that less attention is paid to some AI-generated content because it isn’t as captivating or visually appealing. As the Persian quote dictates, whatever comes from the heart goes to the heart without hesitation; however, this principle is ignored in the AI content.

By Author from Copilot

For example, on the first day when I started writing on Medium, some people posted several articles daily, but they were less noticed and didn’t even have a single clap from the content. And this can be interpreted in two ways: firstly, the content is not interesting, and secondly, people do not know the right way to use AI. There is no debate about the first one, that the content is not pleasant, but the second one, that people do not know how to use AI, is debatable.

It has frequently happened that the author asked AI to write an article with an introduction, main topic, summary, and conclusion about such a case. Ultimately, he published the piece without editing or proofreading it, which makes it unappealing to the reader and meaningless. Regarding the use of AI, it must be stated that we have to discuss the topic to some extent and prepare an anthology of the entire article that will be interesting to the reader.

It should be noted that, generally speaking, AI content lacks soul and feeling, which detracts from the reader’s enjoyment. We must combine AI content with soul and personal feelings in order to deliver appealing content to the reader that challenges his or her brain, soul, and emotion. This implies that in order for the reader to sufficiently enjoy reading the AI content, we must give it soul and feeling.

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Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub

Self-made stories inspired by imagination and people's lives' daily activities, poems, Comparing cultures, lifestyle, fashion, self-development & fitness.