Am I Successful? — What Means Successful?

Diving into the heart of what it means to be successful as the young entrepreneur behind my business

The Ruler
Horizon Hub
3 min readFeb 20, 2024


Image by author generated from Midjourney

Being an entrepreneur and the manager of Tikowa Inc., a question that often comes to mind is, “Am I successful?” It’s a question many people, not just business owners, ask themselves. Success can mean different things to different people. Let’s explore what being successful might mean from the perspective of running a company like Tikowa Inc.

Starting Out

When I first started Tikowa Inc., success was all about getting the company off the ground. Could we turn our ideas into a real business? Getting our first customers and making our first bit of money felt like a huge success. At this stage, success was pretty straightforward — it meant surviving.

Growing the Business

As Tikowa Inc. began to grow, my view of success started to change. It wasn’t just about surviving anymore; it was about thriving. Hiring more employees, launching new products, and increasing our sales were all signs of success. But with growth came new challenges. Could we grow without losing what made us special in the first place? Success started to look more complex.

Making an Impact

Over time, I began to think about success in broader terms. It wasn’t just about making money or growing big. It was about making a positive impact. For Tikowa Inc., this meant creating products that genuinely helped people and being a business that cared about more than just profit. Success became about the difference we were making in the world.

Building a Team

Another important aspect of success for me was building a strong team. A company is only as good as its people, and I wanted Tikowa Inc. to be a place where people loved to work. Success meant creating a supportive, creative, and productive work environment. Seeing my team grow professionally and personally became a key marker of success.

Personal Fulfillment

Lastly, I started to reflect on what success meant for me personally. Running Tikowa Inc. has been a journey with ups and downs. There have been moments of doubt and moments of triumph. For me, success is also about feeling fulfilled and happy with the work I’m doing. It’s about the journey, the learning, and the people I meet along the way.

So, Am I Successful?

Asking if I’m successful is asking if Tikowa Inc. has survived, grown, made an impact, built a great team, and given me a sense of personal fulfillment. The answer isn’t simple because success isn’t just one thing. It’s a mix of achievements, impacts, relationships, and personal feelings.

In many ways, yes, I am successful. But I also believe success is a journey, not a destination. There’s always more to strive for, more to learn, and more ways to grow. For me and Tikowa Inc., being successful means continuing to move forward, staying true to our values, and always being open to what comes next.

Success is a big, complicated idea. But perhaps that’s what makes it so rewarding. Whether you’re running a business, pursuing a career, or finding your path in life, success is about creating your definition and working towards it, day by day.

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