Beyond the Screen: Navigating Social Media Addiction and Its Impact on Daily Life

Addressing Social Media Addiction for a Balanced Life

Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub
5 min readMar 11, 2024


Image by Author from Copilot

Nowadays, social media has expanded a lot, and many people use it for different purposes, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, whereas most of the social media users are badly addicted, and this addiction leads to many negative impacts on them, but it can be very useful in order to learn or make money.

First, let’s talk about the negative points of social media. Whereas some people use social media to be happy when they are not in a good mood, social media is not as good as they think. Various studies have shown that using social media can cause depression. For instance, studies done on different people have shown that people who use social media a lot, like TikTok and Instagram, are more likely to have depression than people who use them less often.

Health issues may be another drawback. We might wonder how using social media can make us sick, but the answer is simple: using social media frequently means staring at a bright glass screen for extended periods of time. It is evident that being inactive for extended periods of time can lead to laziness, which can lead to a host of other issues. Additionally, staring through a computer, smartphone, or other screen can strain our eyes. This can lead to blurry vision over time, which is definitely not good.

Using social media and watching so much can affect our brains, and we may lose focus and concentration. For example, there are people who have performed admirably in their daily jobs, despite the fact that some of them have the potential and capacity to work extra hours; however, after using social media, some of them became addicted to it, and as a result, they began illuminating, and their eyes became far weaker than before, and they lost their focus and concentration, becoming more lazy and sleepy as a result of the impact it had on their brain and mind.

Image by Author from Copilot

We should also be aware of fake news because, regrettably, some people do believe it. The majority of people still believe some of the information shared on social media, even though it is mostly based on rumors. This raises serious concerns about the state of society and, occasionally, the veracity of the fake news, since large groups or organizations usually fabricate these stories for financial gain. This can have a significant impact on society.

You may ask who may post this kind of news and why they do that. These big brands or organizations can do this in various ways. For instance, they may post it from their own accounts, pages, or channels, or they may find a person who has lots of followers and is an influencer on social media and give that person a specific amount of money to do that, and he or she will do that, and in most cases, they succeeded in brainwashing people’s minds with this method, which has worked so far.

Although social media has lots of fake news and it is sometimes too hard to differentiate between the liar and the truthful resources, it can also be very easy to differentiate between them and try to analyze the truth by evidence and realities, not by the fact that a powerful or influential person talks about it in order that their fans or followers would listen to them and believe the news.
If you want to use social media as a tool to have a fun time, just use it for at most 20 minutes. Instead, you can do a better and more useful thing than just watch videos that are mostly wasting your time. You can go for a run, get some fresh air, write stories, read a book, or play soccer outside.

However, there are benefits to social media as well. For example, if you want to learn something, you can go to YouTube. There are a lot of things to learn on YouTube, like English, soccer, basketball, academic writing, academic speaking, and lots of other significant and useful tools or skills that can improve your level in your special skill. By learning skills and significant tips on YouTube, you do not have to pay money to YouTube or go to a learning center and give lots of money. You can easily go to YouTube and search for the best tuturs at that special skill and learn to improve yourself.

Despite its drawbacks, social media offers numerous advantages. Users can access a wide range of educational resources, including tutorials on language learning, sports, academic skills, and more. This democratizes education, enabling individuals to enhance their expertise without costly investments. Additionally, social media fosters networking opportunities, facilitating connections and collaborations across geographical boundaries. It also serves as a powerful tool for advocacy, allowing individuals to raise awareness and mobilize support for important social issues. In essence, while social media has its downsides, its benefits in education, networking, and advocacy are undeniable.

The reason for discussing the negative points of social media is to highlight the potential drawbacks of excessive use and addiction. Many people find themselves consumed by social media, leading to detrimental effects on their mental health, productivity, and overall well-being. By acknowledging these negatives, it’s possible to raise awareness and encourage more mindful and balanced usage of social media platforms.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that social media can be a valuable tool when used responsibly. In a detailed article, I will explore the myriad ways in which social media positively impacts our lives, from facilitating learning and connection to empowering individuals and driving social change. By understanding both the advantages and disadvantages, we can navigate the digital landscape more effectively and harness the full potential of social media for personal and societal growth.

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Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub

Self-made stories inspired by imagination and people's lives' daily activities, poems, Comparing cultures, lifestyle, fashion, self-development & fitness.