My Job — My Life

A helpful article on choosing a suitable job and succeeding in it.

Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub
3 min readFeb 3, 2024


Image by syarifahbrit on Freepik

The foundation of our lives is built upon our basic needs, such as food, drink, clothing, and shelter. To fulfill these needs, we require money, which is obtained through either self-employment or working for someone else.

At first, establishing a self-employed business is a wise choice, as it offers the potential for greater financial success. Earning $5 from your own business holds more value than earning $100 as an employee. By starting your own business, you have the opportunity to expand your income to $1000 within a few years. On the other hand, if you work for others and earn $100, it will take a considerable amount of time for your income to surpass $200. This is why many individuals who have achieved great wealth are self-employed.

Secondly, it is crucial to choose a profession that aligns with both our personality and skills. The key factor for a successful career is not the salary range, position, or benefits, but rather the duration of time we spend doing it. Just like we choose friends based on who we can easily talk to and share our thoughts with, we should aim for a job that meets our criteria and keeps us engaged. The more our work reflects our personalities and skills, the longer we will be interested in and committed to it. Conversely, if it doesn’t meet our criteria, we will quickly become tired of it.

To summarize, an enthusiastic worker produces better results than an obligated worker, so we should choose our careers based on our interests rather than their position and market rate. A person should be able to perform his job in any circumstance or state of mind. We live with our jobs, which take up anywhere from 20% to 70% of our time, or less or more. And, because we all have different moods at different times, we need a job that can be done in a variety of situations.

Last but not least, a profession requires knowledge, abilities, and experience. We should upgrade our credentials as soon as possible to give ourselves the best chance of learning and gaining experience in the field. Starting any job requires patience and a sincere effort to become an expert in it. If problems arise, we shouldn’t give up too quickly because learning anything involves ups and downs. For example, we stumble hundreds of times before learning how to walk, and once we do, we try to get faster until we can run. This is also true in the workplace; we learn through our senses; we try, we fall, we walk, we run, and we eventually succeed.

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Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub

Self-made stories inspired by imagination and people's lives' daily activities, poems, Comparing cultures, lifestyle, fashion, self-development & fitness.