Why Anxiety? The Origins and Impact of Anxiety and Depression

Navigating the Human Experience Amidst the Origins and Impact of Anxiety and Depression

Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub
4 min readMar 11, 2024


Image by Author from Copilot

We live in a world full of ups and downs, challenges, and hundreds of moods that are reflections of these fears. Among these reflected moods by nature’s incidents, there is one that suspends our lives in a state in which we miss ourselves among the situations around us. A state of mind that is difficult to diagnose and treat quickly.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders worldwide, with a significant impact on the global disease burden. The relationship between anxiety disorders and the risk of mortality is unclear, despite the fact that depression has been found to increase mortality on a regular basis.

The primary causes of this illness must be understood in order to prevent mental health problems. Anxiety disorders have scientific roots and causes, just like any other illness, and they can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, personality traits, trauma and stressful life events, medical conditions, substance abuse, environmental factors, personality disorders, neurological factors, and childhood experiences.

Every factor listed above has its own definition and explanation, but I’d like to discuss this issue in a general manner that clearly explains the causes of anxiety. In actuality, everything has a capacity, and when that capacity is exceeded, it is overflowing.

In a nutshell, anxiety results from our minds overflowing with concerns and thoughts. As we have experienced sensations through our body parts, such as hearing with our ears and seeing with our eyes, we have discovered that we are unable to stare at two things at the same time or hear two voices at the same time while retaining both voices. Because of this, there comes a time when we have to set priorities, choose between tasks, and disregard one so that, at the very least, we can complete one correctly.

Sometimes there are more than two or multiple things to hear, such as walking through a crowd and hearing tens of voices. Can we still pay attention to one while ignoring the others? No! Because everyone exhibits the same behavior, we are powerless to select who we hear from and pay attention to. If you understood it up until now, you will soon understand the entire concept.

Every organ has a maximum capacity, so it cannot overwork. The mind is no different; if we have too many thoughts and are unable to process them, they will overflow. Anxiety is caused by an overwhelming number of thoughts and worries that we are unable to control. In other words, overthinking leads to anxiety.

There are some sensible steps we can take to prevent anxiety in our daily lives while we search for the answer.

Quit Overthinking:

Most of the time, overthinking is related to an unresolved situation, and as a result, we anticipate the worst and adopt a pessimistic outlook.

Prioritize your tasks:

Since we have a lot of assignments and missions to complete each day, we must order them according to necessity and importance in order to avoid becoming overburdened with work and lacking inspiration.

Deep Focus:

In order to maintain a high level of concentration on an assignment, it is necessary to set aside other concerns and problems in our lives. We must believe that I have a single mission, and I won’t do anything else until I complete it.

Be Optimistic:

Embracing optimism is critical because it fosters a hopeful and positive outlook, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and find inspiration in adversity, resulting in smoother paths to overcoming obstacles. You can also read my other article, which goes into more detail about optimism.

Practice Self-Care:

Prioritize self-care activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as hobbies, creative outlets, or spending time outdoors.

Stay Active:

Engage in organized physical activity, such as walking, yoga, soccer, or dancing, to reduce stress, improve mood, and promote relaxation.

Manage stress:

Identify the pressures in your life and find a way to alleviate them in order to manage stress. This can involve establishing limits, organizing your schedule, or asking a close friend or family member for assistance.

Stay Connected:

Stay socially connected with friends and family; sharing your emotions with trusted people helps you feel better.

In conclusion, anxiety, a pervasive mental health challenge, arises from an overwhelming flood of worries and thoughts. However, by prioritizing self-care, fostering optimism, and maintaining social connections, we can fortify our resilience and confront anxiety with determination. With these tools in hand, we embark on a journey towards mental well-being, navigating life’s uncertainties with strength and hope, and reclaiming our sense of peace and fulfillment along the way.

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Matin Haqshanas
Horizon Hub

Self-made stories inspired by imagination and people's lives' daily activities, poems, Comparing cultures, lifestyle, fashion, self-development & fitness.