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B SMART in the New Year

Tripp Kirkland
Horizon Performance
2 min readJan 2, 2020


Welcome to the new year! It is the season for goal setting and you should spend time this week putting your 2020 objectives on paper. Before you head to the gym this morning, B SMART and follow these simple tips when setting your goals:


No, I did not forget the ‘e’ in the title. Be balanced this year and focus on all aspects of self when setting goals. This could be physical, social, emotional, spiritual, professional…you get the point.


Don’t be vague. Describe exactly what you want to improve and put it on paper. Be more specific than I want to be a better runner. For example, I want to be a faster runner.


Know what you are measuring so that you can assess your progress. Add a metric to I want to be a faster runner. For example, I want to run 5 kilometers in under 20 minutes.


Create an action plan to achieve your goal. This may be the most difficult part of the goal setting process. For example, to achieve I want to run 5 kilometers in under 20 minutes, you will need to write down a detailed training regime. This action plan is your road map to success!


Be realistic — can you run 5 kilometers in under 20 minutes if you have never run a mile? That said, you should still be ambitious.


Set a deadline and circle it on your calendar. For example, I will run the Memorial Day 5 kilometer race in under 20 minutes. Now that you have a date, it is official!

B SMART this year and good luck in your endeavors!

B SMART is a acronym I learned while attending the United States Air Force’s Squadron Officer School. Use it as a guide to goal setting and increase your chances of success!

