FALSE: “If You Want Something Done Right, You Have To Do It Yourself

Nicolas Simard
Horizon Performance
2 min readJul 14, 2022
Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

“If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” Chances are that this isn’t the first time you’re hearing that saying. What you may be hearing for this first time is this — that saying is one of the most harmful and counterproductive philosophies you can live by as a leader.

While this saying may have its niche, leadership is not it. It is in direct opposition of what good leadership is about: achieving through others and helping them to realize and reach their goals and potential.

Think about it. If you are in a leadership position and hold the belief that the only way to do something the “right way” is to do it yourself, how will you ever get anything done? With this mindset, delegation becomes nearly impossible, development of those around you goes out the window and ultimately no one ends up for the better.

This is not to say that there won’t be times where your knowledge and expertise are required, of course there will be. Rather, this is meant to shift your way of thinking away from, “I’m going to have to involve myself in this project if it is to be done well” and challenge you to consider what you need to be a part of and where you can let go. Letting go doesn’t mean you disengage or disappear into the background, but rather that you allow your success to be influenced and achieved through others, in addition to yourself.

A switch of mindset is valuable for so many reasons including but not limited to:

· Increased confidence in your subordinate’s belief in their own knowledge, skills and abilities

· Greater trust of subordinate to leader and vice versa

· The ability to get more done in less time

· Development of others

If you want something done right, don’t just do it yourself. Consider what needs to be done by you and what can be done by those around you.

