Andrew Martin, Horizons S’16

Horizons School of Technology
3 min readJun 24, 2016


Your name: Andy Martin

Age: 22

Where you’re from: Houston, TX

Where you study: Villanova University

Majors and Minors: Major in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Business

Three words that best describe you: Batteries not included

8 questions for Andy

1. When did you first get excited about the world of tech and entrepreneurship?

I got my first GameBoy Color when I was about 5, which was extremely exciting! As far as entrepreneurship goes, I’ve seen just about every episode of Shark Tank.

2. Why did you decide to take Horizons and what’s been your favorite part so far?

Technology is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our daily lives. As an engineer, I strive to push the limits of what’s possible and come up with innovative solutions to problems. Having at least some understanding of software development will allow me a fuller understanding of the problems I will face, and provide me with the tools I need to solve them. My favorite part of the program so far has been just getting to know so many amazing people. The coding skills are important, but those can be learned in any program. What really makes Horizons cool is meeting so many people from such different walks of life. The value of the things we learn, often unknowingly, from the people around us is immeasurable.

3. What does a successful version of you look like on graduation day? How about two years out of college?

Graduation day:

Hopefully in two years I’ll have a job and a place to live and all that other stuff adults have. Insurance too I guess? That kinda junk.

4. Tell us what is one thing you believe is true that most people disagree with (the Peter Thiel question)…

Aliens built the pyramids

5. What has been the most important turning point / realization in your life so far?

Body wash > bar of soap

6. What motivates you to work hard every day?

I’ve got to spend my days doing something, and TV isn’t even fun to watch unless there’s something more important to be doing.

7. If you were going to be famous, what would it be for?

World’s funniest engineer

8. What is your advice to incoming freshmen to make the most out of their time in college?

Get wrecked and have as much fun as possible — you have the rest of your life to be boring.

Thank you for reading.

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Horizons is a technology school that finds the most promising young people around the world and gives them all the advantages they need to launch their successful careers in tech.

