Isaias Baez, Horizons S’16

Quick intro

Horizons School of Technology
4 min readJul 19, 2016


Your name: Isaias Uriel Baez

Age: 20

Where you’re from: Dallas, Texas

Where you study: University of Pennsylvania

Majors and Minors: BSE in Computer Science

Three words that best describe you: Collected Aware Practical

8 questions for Isaias

1. When did you first get excited about the world of tech and entrepreneurship?

My dad has owned and operated his trucking business for more than 20 years. His determination and hard work to build a business from the ground up and the pay off he’s gotten inspires me every day to do the same for myself and my future family. My older brother is probably the biggest reason for my excitement in tech. He has always been into tech and would always show me anything cool he would find online or gadgets he modified. I was so amazed by it all, and now I’m following his steps by pursuing a major in computer science and diving into the world of programming and business.

2. Why did you decide to take Horizons and what’s been your favorite part so far?

I felt like I had a solid grasp on the fundamentals of computer science, but also that my experience with how these fundamentals are applied to today’s world was lacking. I didn’t have much experience working on real world projects and knew that Horizons would give me the chance to start feeling out the direction I wanted my career to go. My favorite part so far has been the new understanding of what is going on behind the scenes of a website. It has made browsing sites more interesting as you get a sense for how complex things can get at a large scale.

3. What does a successful version of you look like on graduation day? How about two years out of college?

A successful me would have a job lined up on graduation day. Two years out of college I’d hope to still be working in the tech industry and perhaps in the beginning stages of planning my own startup.

4. Tell us what is one thing you believe is true that most people disagree with (the Peter Thiel question)…

Many people think hybrid/electric cars are better for the environment, but I believe they are just as bad if not worse. The mining and chemical processes that must be done to manufacture the batteries of hybrid/electric are very harmful to the environment. The best way to lower the effect on the environment from an increase in hybrid/electric cars in the marketplace is to further research and develop more efficient, longer lasting batteries, or to develop a more efficient manufacturing method.

5. What has been the most important turning point / realization in your life so far?

The biggest turning point in my life has been my time at Penn so far. I have experienced so many amazing events, made great friends, and learned so much about myself that I’m a much different person than before I got here. I realized that anything is possible, and I can really do anything I put my mind and heart to.

6. What motivates you to work hard every day?

Every day I wake up and think about how lucky I am to have been born in this time in our history, and in the most prosperous nation in history. I think to myself, what kind of fool would I be to let all this go to waste? It feels almost like my responsibility to absorb as much knowledge as I can in order to make up for the thousands of years that information was so scarce. In the end, I’ll work hard until I can say that I contributed something that left the world a little bit better off than before.

7. If you were going to be famous, what would it be for?

I’d be a famous music producer.

8. What is your advice to incoming freshmen to make the most out of their time in college?

No matter what, just be you. If you are genuine, people will know.

Thank you for reading.

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Horizons is a technology school that finds the most promising young people around the world and gives them all the advantages they need to launch their successful careers in tech.

