Mojia Shen, Horizons S’16

Quick intro

Horizons School of Technology
4 min readJun 28, 2016


Your name: Mojia Shen

Age: 21

Where you’re from: China

Where you study: Wellesley College

Majors and Minors: (Independent major) Technology, Innovation, and Society

Three words that best describe you: Passionate, Compassionate, Curious

8 questions for Mojia

1. When did you first get excited about the world of tech and entrepreneurship?

I was first introduced to the world of social entrepreneurship when I was selected to attend United World College, a high school that brings together 200 students from over 80 countries. My first year at Wellesley College is where I encountered tech entrepreneurship. After winning the first prize at Draper Business Competition, I was awarded with seed money and a full scholarship to Draper University of Heroes in the heart of Silicon Valley. I spend 7 unforgettable weeks with 70 passionate creators from over 30 countries, dreaming about what the world could become. After the program I took a leave from school to run my startup in Mexico, empowering women economically by letting them cook in their kitchens and selling their homemade food to young professionals in their neighborhoods.

2. Why did you decide to take Horizons and what’s been your favorite part so far?

My friends and I founded WeStart, the Wellesley entrepreneurship community and got contacted by the Horizons team. We were impressed by their background and mission, and hosted them for a talk that blew many attendees’ minds. I knew I wanted to join Horizons after meeting them.

I absolutely love how energetic and curious the crowd is, and how dedicated and approachable the instructors are. Everyone loves what they are doing. That’s what makes this group special.

3. What does a successful version of you look like on graduation day? How about two years out of college?

On graduation day, I hope my explorations and reflections have lead to me to discover my mission in life.

Two years out of college, I hope that I have understood how to carry out my mission, and have started to take actions.

4. Tell us what is one thing you believe is true that most people disagree with (the Peter Thiel question)…

People believe the solution of not failing is by not trying. Well, the result is, people can not handle their situation when small failure hits. It breaks my heart knowing how many middle school kids commit suicide in China. It’s time to allow our children fail small and learn big; it’s time to build a culture that celebrates failing and bouncing back.

5. What has been the most important turning point / realization in your life so far?

Keep an open mind, and the universe is yours.

The first 16 years of my life, I was taught to obey, to pursue a set path to success, and behave like a “good” girl. I never questioned why for my choices. They might not even have been my choices because those are good paths others have proven to me.

It’s not until I became an entrepreneur that I realized that there is a whole world of knowledge to learn, people to meet, and meaningful work to be carried out. It’s only when I started to say yes to things that I had no clue about when I understood what I was capable of.

6. What motivates you to work hard every day?

Knowing how much I don’t know and how much I desire to get to know them.

7. If you were going to be famous, what would it be for?

I want to be a motivational speaker, helping people pursue a life of purpose.

I also want to be a mental health activist, educating our next generation how to love themselves.

8. What is your advice to incoming freshmen to make the most out of their time in college?

Make your decisions based on how much it will help you grow, not how much fame, money, recognition it brings to you.

Thank you for reading.

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Horizons is a technology school that finds the most promising young people around the world and gives them all the advantages they need to launch their successful careers in tech.

