Insight Series: how to better learn from Failure

Failure is an integral part of research, but how equipped do you feel to own that failure and seek to understand and learn from it?

FailSpace is an AHRC-funded research project exploring how the cultural sector can better recognise, acknowledge and learn from failure.

In the Horizons Institute’s April Insight Series session, Leila Jancovich Professor of Cultural Policy and Participation in the school of Performance and Cultural Industries, and Kate Wafer or Wafer Hadley, shared their insights — you can watch the full recording of this session below.

If you would like to learn more about FailSpace, please visit the project website.

If you would like to attend one of our Insight Series sessions, you can find the details on our Eventbrite page of any upcoming opportunities. If you would like to express an interest in sharing your insights at one of our sessions, please contact Dr Dave Riley via



Horizons Institute, University of Leeds
Horizons Institute

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