Starting the discussion around What Comes After the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

A panel showing the headshots of the chair, Stuart Taberner, and four speakers, Ravi Gurumurthy, Sarah Ichioka, Jordan Mullard and Kavitha Hariharan

The Horizons Institute has launched our ‘What comes after the UN Sustainable Development Goals?’ programme with the first of three discussion panel sessions.

We were joined by Kavitha Hariharan, Sarah Ichioka, Ravi Gurumurthy and Jordan Mullard, who discussed their views on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and what might follow, based upon their areas of expertise and experience.

The broad-ranging discussion covered climate change, culture, social good, engagement and participation, health and economic growth amongst other topics.

In response to panel chair Stuart Taberner’s final question ‘What can universities do?’ Ravi offered a pertinent reminder of why Horizons Institute was established.

Ravi said it was important to bring people together because of “the evidence for effective interventions that shape many of these outcomes, and the value of drawing in a much wider set of disciplines than we often think about in mixed methods research. So many of the questions are behavioural in nature, but actually to crack that I think we need anthropologists and engineers and economists and psychologists working together.”

You can view the panel discussion and all the topics discussed below:

If you would like to join us for our other panel discussions around What Comes After the UN Sustainable Development Goals in June and July, there is still time to book tickets for these, both in-person and online.

These are events are free and open to all.

To book, please visit our Eventbrite page



Horizons Institute, University of Leeds
Horizons Institute

Global research platform building partnerships, enhancing interdisciplinary skills & elevating interdisciplinary research to address pressing global challenges