Community News | January 14, 2019

Horizon State Team
Horizon State


Welcome to our first update for 2019. We hope everyone managed to have a break over the Christmas and New Year period, and we look forward to providing future updates on a monthly basis as well as monthly AMA sessions with our core team members.

Last year was a massively productive year for Horizon State and we ensure to continue this momentum into the new year. This year has kicked off to a great start, with our development team working throughout the holiday break to ensure that we deliver on our internal roadmap. Building and implementing the latest and greatest features for our customers remains our top priority.

So far this year we have two customers utilising our platform:

  • Our strategic partner ‘Project Hydro’ are in the process of running their second vote on our platform; and
  • the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) are running a vote to elect a new fellowship member at the end of the month.

Stay tuned for more updates in the near future about our new customers and opportunities that we are working on!

AMA with Nimo, Dan and Andy

Alright ladies and gentlemen, get out your diaries and book yourself in for an upcoming event you won’t want to miss!

Friday 25th January — 2:00pm — 3:30pm (+13:00 UTC)

Join us for a team AMA in Telegram! This will be hosted by Nimo Naamani, Dan Crane, and Andy Ellis with support from the rest of the Horizon State team.

Further details of the AMA can be found on our Telegram channel:

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Development update

1. Authentication improvements

To cater to the growing needs and use cases of our customers, our development team has been integrating the platform to work with a new authentication method — ‘Amazon Cognito’. Aside from the existing passwordless authentication we have in place using our third party ‘Auth0’, this new authentication method enables users to create their own account, sign up through social media accounts, and ensures a smoother end-to-end voting and decision making process for everyone. It also makes integration with a customer’s internal systems far easier, and is a vital piece in the turn-key voting product we are currently building.

2. Donations/Payments

We have also been building out the capability to allow donations through the Horizon State platform for businesses, charities and political candidates using a payment gateway. We expect to roll this out over the next month for candidates in India, and see this as a vital feature for many of our future customers. As with all Horizon State income, the full amount of commission charged for this service will be passed through our token mechanics.

3. Turn-key voting feature on the Horizon State Platform

The largest component of our development stream in the first quarter is our turn key voting solution. Once complete, this self-service application will enable new and existing customers to:

  • Set up their own communities;
  • Enable automatic billing;
  • Invite and manage their users to the community; and
  • Create a variety of votes stored on the blockchain using the decision making tools we have available.

A large amount of planning around the architecture and design of this solution has taken place, and the team are currently in the process of building this mammoth feature. Once this has been completed we will be offering a tiered licence structure where our customers can self-serve the Horizon State platform, freeing up our expert in-house resources to serve our larger enterprise customers. What this means for our customers is a smoother voting process/experience, whilst simultaneously providing a stronger flow of revenue for Horizon State.

Blockfolio Signal

We are excited to join Blockfolio Signal to keep you up to date on our latest project developments. This allows us to publish news and signals directly to users who have the HST token in their portfolio, or currently track the price of the HST token.

Blockfolio is the leading network for mobile cryptocurrency portfolio tracking and management. More than 5 million users makes Blockfolio the most trusted platform for staying connected to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Support for over 6,000 cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets across 250+ exchanges means the latest prices, market data, team updates, and news are always at your fingertips.

If you have yet to download blockfolio, you can do so here:

HST is now available on Halo Dex

The Halo platform have been a great partner and we have been using the Halo Platform Blockchain to power our voting platform since late 2018. We’re very excited to be listed on their Decentralised exchange. You can check this out for yourself here:

Now that most of the team is back on board after the break, we can start 2019 strong by continuing to develop and build out the solutions and features we have planned for the Horizon State platform. Thank you for taking the time to read through this update. Make sure you stay tuned to future updates by using the links below!

If you liked this article, please consider joining our Community conversations on Telegram , Discord or Reddit and connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. Also, we value the opinions of our Community, you can email us at

