Community News — March 14th 2019

Horizon State Team
Horizon State
4 min readMar 14, 2019


Welcome to our monthly newsletter update, where we are continuously providing you updates on what is happening at Horizon State. Great progress has been made in the last month on all sides of the business with: even more features being built and released by our development team, listing on a new exchange, and new team members coming on board to help support our business development and growth efforts.

Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council Vote — South Australia

Over the last couple of months we have been working on a new voting solution and delivery to the South Australian Government. This vote is to establish and elect the final five members of the Minister‘s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council. The vote features our new preferential voting solution we provided an update on last month (more on this below) and started on the 18th of February, concluding on the 18th of March.

There are 42 candidates from all over the state up for election to fill the five positions and there are already four appointed members who represent key recreational fishing organisations. Of the five individual member positions at least one will be female, one an inland fisher and at least one person representing the tackle sector. This voting method is called ‘preferential voting with reserved seats’ and was made possible by using our new preferential voting feature and a specifically tailored vote-counting code we developed for the client.

Read the full announcement from the South Australian Government here:

HST Listing on Bittrex International

We are thrilled to announce that our token ($HST) has now been listed on the Bittrex International exchange.

Having our token listed on such an established exchange will ensure that HST is available to a far wider audience, and further cement Horizon State as a long term player in this space.

It has been a long journey for us getting to this point, but this is not the end of the road for us with regard to exchange listings. Dan will be working on this aspect ongoing to ensure the token continues to live a healthy and liquid life in the future.

Check out the market here:

The Evolution of the HST Token

After our success in listing on Bittrex, Dan Crane has published a Medium article outlining his journey so far at Horizon State, and the intricacies involved with what Dan is responsible for day-to-day. Read up on the journey from token sale to today that HST has taken here:

Edmund Hillary Fellowship — New Frontiers 2019

Nimo and Andy have spent the first half of this week attending New Zealand’s premier gathering of global innovators building the new frontiers of our economy. This brought together over 350 world changing entrepreneurs, founders, investors, policy experts and government decision-makers together with business and industry leaders, artists, creators, and storytellers.

Throughout the 3 days, they attended some incredibly thought provoking talks and workshops, and made connections with a wide range of change makers from around the globe. You can find out more about the Edmund Hillary Fellowship here:

March 2019 AMA with Nimo, Dan, and Andy

As usual we will be taking the time to answer those burning questions you have for the Horizon State team. The format is a live AMA via Telegram where questions can be asked on the day.

Join us in telegram to raise any questions you may have prior to this kicking off on the 27th of March. Keep an eye out on Reddit following the AMA, to view the questions and responses from this session. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Further details of the AMA can be found on our Telegram channel:

The transcript of our last AMA (February) can be found here:

TipBot launched on Telegram

Speaking of the community AMA, one question that came up last month was whether or not a HST tipping bot could be integrated with the Telegram channel.

Yes it can! And on Tuesday the 5th of March, it went live. We decided to go with the ParJar Telegram bot and the team have been great in helping us get up and running so quickly.

When we see comments we think are conducive to promoting thoughtful discussion, we will be tipping those comments. Our community are already getting the hang of this.

Feel free to jump into our Telegram channel and give it a go!

If you liked this article, please consider joining our Community conversations on Telegram or Reddit and connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedInor YouTube. Also, we value the opinions of our Community, you can email us at

