Community Update — Design & App Testing

Jason Fleurant
Horizon State
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2018

Welcome back to another Community update. We’ve been very busy lately so it’s good to be able to bring you a round-up of recent happenings.


Horizon State takes a design-first approach to development of our products. We’ve recently conducted several face-to-face design and app testing sessions with great success. Thank you so much to our generous Community members who gave their time to contribute to our product development progress.

Kat Vasilenko, our Lead User Experience Designer, has successfully tested a tool which allows her to conduct testing sessions remotely so we’re now able to perform testing with people from around the world.

We’re inviting everyone to register their interest in helping us test our designs, apps and web apps. Some things you need to know about these testing sessions:

1. They are conducted personally by Kat at a mutually convenient time organised in advance.

2. Each test will take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.

3. You will need to agree to keep what you learn about our designs and apps confidential.

4. You will need to download an app on your phone to do the testing.

5. You will need an internet connection on your phone.

If you want to help us design and make the best possible apps, then register to express your interest now:

We will run testing rounds many times a year so if you miss out this time we’ll keep your details on file for future rounds.


Our community meetup in Sydney, Innovation for Impact, is coming up fast (23 August 2018). It’s going to be an amazing event featuring three great Australian ICO-funded technology start-ups each with a strong social purpose. The evening will be hosted by David Swan, a well-known Australian technology journalist. Senior representatives of Power Ledger, ShareRing and Horizon State will all give short presentations on how they are each ‘innovating for impact’ before moving into a facilitated Q&A event. The event is nearing capacity so RSVP now at


We’re nearing completion of our new charity app, codename ‘coinpocket’. It’s a modern app for giving back. With it, we will be asking our supporters and the wider public to flag their support for which charitable initiatives should receive a share of the 5% of used HST we will be donating each month. Community members have provided some great suggestions for what we should call our new app.

We’re also looking for additional charity partners whose work aligns to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. If you have any senior contacts with suitable registered Australian charities, then please get in touch via Sorry, Australian only for the time being.

Stay tuned for more exciting news on our new app!


Jamie Skella, co-founder and CPO, presented on blockchain and Horizon State to over 600 executives and board members at the Better Boards Conference in Adelaide on 12 August. While he was there he met with a few local Adelaide Community members.

Jamie was interviewed by Marc Fennell recently on a very popular technology podcast on ABC Radio National, Download This Show. You can listen to it here after the introduction, the interview with Jamie starts after the 15 minute mark.

The ABC has recently covered the emerging use of blockchain to reduce electoral fraud and Horizon State features prominently.

Jamie is presenting on “The future of community engagement and voting on the blockchain” to an audience of approximately 150 CIO’s, CEO’s, Founders & Transformation Leads from large organisations and startups.

Stephen Cornwell, our Technology Lead, ran a community AMA on our subreddit on 20 July responding to a wide range of questions mostly relating to technology, coinpocket and customers. You can see it here.


Our new weekly video from our Telegram admin team has been a positive step forward in our market communications but that’s just the start of additional information flows. Stephen Cornwell, our Technology Lead, is going to start providing regular updates on our execution in the next week or so, to keep the Community and supporters in the loop.

We are also very excited to welcome on board Hafeez Noorani, our new Sr. Social Media Manager! Hafeez is a social media guru with over 10 years of experience and a true passion for the blockchain space. We look forward to his creativity and expertise in bringing a more robust, exciting and informative social media approach to our Community. Welcome, Hafeez!

We all know Horizon State has the best Community members. Yes, we may be a bit biased but we still believe it to be true. We value the opinions and suggestions of our loyal Community and would like to hear from you. So we have set up a new way for you to contribute to Horizon State. You can now send your suggestions to, we look forward to hearing from you!

If you liked this article, please consider joining our Community conversations on Telegram or Reddit and connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube.

