Community Update — June 20th 2019

Horizon State Team
Horizon State
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2019


Kia ora, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Bonjour, Hola and welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we are continuously providing you updates on what is happening at Horizon State. As a result of our focus on sales and business development, we’ve found ourselves busy running multiple engagements at once this month. We’ve also been nominated as a finalist for the Wellington Gold awards, attended some great events put on by local government organisations in New Zealand and have delivered the multilingual capabilities that ensure our system is as inclusive as possible.

Horizon State to assist with transparent community engagement on NZ Government regeneration project

Horizon State believes the potential of blockchain technology is more than just digital money; it can also enable social good in the community. With this in mind, we’d like to introduce you to a new customer of ours, HLC.

HLC is a New Zealand company working with us to provide ongoing community engagement on a large scale regeneration project in Eastern Porirua, New Zealand. HLC will be conducting person to person interviews with the locals in Eastern Porirua, and using our product on tablets to ensure their thoughts and wishes are securely recorded and that their voice is heard.

HLC is working with Horizon State to assist with its residents’ engagement program of work. This program encompasses multiple channels, engagement mechanisms, research, and analysis. Horizon State will be providing the tools necessary for research, polling, and web-based community engagement.

You can read more about this engagement here

Interview with Nuggets News

Nuggets News have been very supportive of our work at Horizon State since the start, so it was great to have Alex Saunders interview Nimo this week and catch up with the latest news.

Wellington Gold Awards

It’s always great when your work is recognised by others, and we are proud to be finalists of the 2019 Wellington Gold Awards, in the CYBER category.

For us to be able to showcase our work in front of so many other great businesses and government representatives is fantastic exposure — and great to hear the mayor of Wellington, Justin Lester saying “… we can definitely use that!”.

Congratulations to the other finalists in our category — YouDo, Sharesies, PaySauce, NV Interactive and FlexiTime — a credit to the innovation happening in the Wellington tech sector. We’re up against some stiff competition!

We are eagerly looking forward to the awards dinner on the 25th of July.

Tech Week NZ 2019

At the end of last month, our Wellington-based team members attended a number of events around Wellington City which were held as part of Tech week 2019. There was a wide variety of events on offer — with 562 events being held in 38 locations across New Zealand. This was a great opportunity for us to meet with other businesses in the tech sector as well as hear from senior leaders at various government departments about their take on the future of technology. There are a lot of interesting things happening in this space both in NZ and the rest of the world, and we think there may be a few entry points for government agencies to use our platform to canvas opinions in a formal manner. One of the events that really stood out for us was held at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment HQ and featured a panel of experts that discussed the role of standards in the digital economy, covering topics like data privacy, blockchain, AI and IoT and it was great to witness how forward thinking this New Zealand government organisation is when it comes to emerging technology.

Blockbid launches with HST

Last year it was announced that Horizon State would be one of the first tokens listed on the new bespoke digital asset exchange in Melbourne, Australia — BlockBid. Between then and now, the exchange has been busy working on hardening their software, and ensuring their user experience is what savvy investors are used to.

They are now ready for the first round of tokens to go live, and for their platform to move out of beta — so jump on over and check it out! This will be the first time there is a tradable HST/AUD pair, and we are keen to be involved with local blockchain businesses, so make sure you show them your support.

Full release announcement from Blockbid can be found here:

Airwire’s CoinVote

Our HST token has been put up for a community vote on being integrated into the AirWire platform. AirWire’s platform allows anyone to transmit cryptocurrency directly and securely through text, email, QR code, or social media.

Having our token on this platform will make easy to spread the HST love to everyone, so feel free to vote for us!

June 2019 AMA with Nimo, Dan, Andy and Sam

Join us for our monthly AMA via Telegram where questions can be asked to the team on the day. The team will also be answering pre-asked questions so feel free to raise any questions you may have prior to this kicking off on the 28th of June. Keep an eye out on Reddit following the AMA, to view the questions and responses from this session. We look forward to seeing you all there!

If you liked this article, please consider joining our Community conversations on Telegram or Reddit and connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. Also, we value the opinions of our Community, you can email us at

