Community Update & September Community Advocate of the Month

Horizon State Team
Horizon State
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2018

It’s been a busy month for the team packed with business development, marketing and product activities. But before talking about that it’s our absolute pleasure to announce that Larousse is our Community Advocate for September. Larousse has been a stalwart and active member of our Telegram Community for many months. His presence on the Horizon State Telegram is always welcoming, helpful and engaging. On top of that his contributions often provide a balanced perspective exactly when needed. Thanks for all your contributions Larousse! We’ll be in touch to organise delivery of your $100 worth of HST and to find out which charity you would like us to donate $100 towards.

World Economic Forum panel discussion

Our CEO, Oren Alazraki and Delivery Manager, Ronit Houllou have recently returned from Tianjin, China for the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting of the New Champions where they accepted the Technology Pioneers 2018 award on behalf of Horizon State. We will soon be talking more about our discussions with corporate leaders, government officials, academics and other technology companies from around the world and what it means for Horizon State’s future. In the meantime you can read more about the Technology Pioneers here.

Nimo Naamani, CTO at Houbi Australia panel session

Nimo travelled to Melbourne for three blockchain events including a panel session hosted by Huobi Australia where Horizon State was included alongside some other exciting Australian blockchain companies. While Nimo was there he sat down for an interesting discussion with Trader Cobb, watch the video below.

And our VP-Business Development, Jason Fleurant was in Singapore for various partner and investor meetings during Consensus Singapore. While there he met up with our Community Manager, Andrew Mitchell who was in Singapore for a brief holiday.

Andrew & Jason at Consensus Singapore 2018

On 7 September we published our first Developer Update which provides a lot of information about the development progress we’ve made and where we are headed. And less than two weeks later Andy Ellis launched our charity voting application, Coinpocket at a blockchain meet-up in Wellington.

Andy Ellis introducing Coinpocket to some blockchain enthusiasts in Wellington, NZ

Coinpocket is our way of publicly and transparently committing a portion of the revenue that passes through Horizon State to charitable organisations. Every six weeks we select a group of charities to be the recipients of those funds — but with a Horizon State twist. We don’t just divvy the funds up equally; we run a blockchain-based public vote, using Coinpocket to determine what percentage of the funds goes to each of the charities. Our initial charity partners are Red Cross Australia, StreetSmart, and Care for Africa and if you have a registered and legally recognised charity, and you would like to be in the running to receive a donation, please email us.

Voting using Coinpocket is fast and it’s free. Everyone is welcome to vote at Read more about why we created Coinpocket and how it works here.

We also published the second and third articles in our Meet the Team series; featuring our CTO, Nimo Naamani and our Community Manager, Andrew Mitchell. Be sure to check out Nimo’s article, even if it’s just to see his taste in sunglasses!!

If you liked this article, please consider joining our Community conversations on Telegram , Discord or Reddit and connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. Also, we value the opinions of our Community, you can email us at

