“Good design is never finished “ Jamie Skella

Jason Fleurant
Horizon State
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2018

Today we say a heartfelt goodbye to one of our Co-Founders Jamie Skella. Jamie has worked tirelessly to build the Horizon State brand and to bring the vision of blockchain based decision making processes to the world.

Black T-shirt Party

“It has been 3 years since my foray into democracy began. Now, between the intensity of the last year, the imminent birth of my first child, the ambitions of the business having grown bigger and bolder than my original vision, and the foundations for development and delivery now solidifying, this seemed like an essential time for me to depart, gather myself, and put my focus on my family. I’ve been riding the startup rodeo for a relentless 5 years; I feel I owe a period without stress and 14 hour work days to them, and to myself.

“I’m incredibly proud of the impact we’ve already had, even considering there’s so much product work still ahead of us. We’ve started critically important conversations in places that need to have them, we’ve inspired half a dozen new companies to enter this space and work on these same problems and solutions, we’ve attracted the attention of some of the most innovative governments and politicians currently in power, and we’ve created remarkable new levels of awareness and interest in both democracy and Blockchain technology.

“The work already behind us is catalyzing; it has set immensely important societal-level progress in motion. Make no mistake, the waves we’ve created will quite literally change the world. Not overnight, but they will inevitably meet the shoreline, with glorious effect — thanks to all of us.”

— Jamie Skella

“A fond farewell and to the horizon ahead”

Horizon State’s new brand will never feel the same without the chap with the big smile wearing a black T-shirt standing on stage and articulating a well-crafted message while scanning the 100 pairs of eyes gazing at him in return.

It is probably a lot harder for Nimo Naamani and myself than most of you can imagine as Jamie Skella’s personality, essence, style and gravitas are deeply ingrained in this business of ours, which he has had a major role in building with his own two hands.

We know his decision was not taken lightly, a decision that certainly took time for him to reflect on, and one that we deeply understand.

I would like to personally thank Jamie; for all the hard effort, the time away from the family, the brilliant design, the passion and spark in his eyes when he carried the HS flag, and mostly for being part of an incredible journey, and one that hopefully we all look back and say: “That was one hell of ride J, and I’m glad to have been part of it.

— Oren Alazraki, CEO

“The next chapter for Horizon State”

Wellington Office

In relation to where we go from here as a company, the future looks promising as we come together to bring our vision into reality. We’re already well on our way to having our technology in use in real-world scenarios. In addition, we’re expanding our outreach in the hopes of bringing in more prospective customers as well as users.

Horizon State’s focus over the next year is to become a leader in the blockchain community in relation to our key functions; community engagement, decision making, and voting. This would be done best by telling our story online and offline, as well as engaging with the greater blockchain communities throughout the world.

We look forward to what the future has in store and to the promising prospects ahead of us; the team here at Horizon State is committed to fulfilling the vision Jamie helped start. We thank you for your continued support in taking the Horizon State project to the next level.

— Nimo Naamani, CTO & Jason Fleurant, VP of Business Development

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