Horizon State attends the BMW Foundation Global Table in Lillehammer

Andrew Mitchell
Horizon State
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2018
Members across the globe gather in Lillehammer to collaborate on solutions for the UNDP global goals.

Horizon State Co-Founder Jamie Skella has recently returned from Norway where he was invited to attend the 2018 BMW Foundation Global Table.

The 12th event of this kind, the BMW Foundation Global Table gathered leaders from around the world in order to promote a strategic and equal dialogue between industrial nations and emerging economies. Aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda, BMW Foundation believes that their 17 Sustainable Development Goals can only be achieved with the collaboration of entrepreneurs, politicians, activists, journalists, artists, and scientists.

During 23–26 June, 24 business, political, and religious leaders from 20 countries descended on Lillehammer, to discuss and collaborate on solutions for some of the most complex challenges of our time. How do we stabilise fragile societies? How do we strengthen our democratic processes, improve community dialogue and address the growing lack of trust between citizens and institutions?

Members address some of the world’s most complex challenges.

Over three days, individuals from all corners of the globe worked to collectively identify effective ways in which dialogue can build trust and prevent conflicts.

From NGOs to individuals with past and present involvement at the UN and NATO, opportunities for collaboration span across Chile, China, Nigeria, Switzerland, Canada, the United States, and beyond.

Speaking from Melbourne, Horizon State co-founder Jamie Skella said he was honoured to be invited to prestigious forum. “It was a gathering of spectacular individuals, with some incredible collaboration opportunities to explore” he explains.

“It was a truly humbling experience to have such a melting pot of cultures and perspectives involved in our conversations.”

No outputs or IP is retained or owned by BMW Foundation, the forum simply acts as one of many initiatives funded by the organisation to encourage progress towards a peaceful and sustainable future.

The foundation has seen great success with the Global Table in past years, with many invited parties later creating formal relationships as they work on executing upon the solutions discussed in this private forum.

Jamie will be attending the Berlin Global Forum in November 2019 when results and recommendations will be presented on a global stage with international decision makers and the public.

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