June 2021 — Company Update

Dan Crane
Horizon State
Published in
Jun 4, 2021

Hello supporters of Horizon State,

What a year this has been for us — and we’re only half way!

A lot has been going on behind the scenes to ensure Horizon State has a strong foundation to achieve great things in the second half of this year and beyond.

Currently we are undertaking an equity crowdfund raise. This will see us scale up our operations and really make some progress in the industries that demand our product the most. As a community-funded company made up of former HST token holders, we chose equity crowdfunding to give as many everyday people an opportunity to invest in the company as possible — those who our software is going to have the greatest impact on.

Read more on our blog here!



Dan Crane
Horizon State

Founder, futurist, and strategic thinker. Heading up Research & Innovation at Horizon State and owner of https://ultim.me